Risk Assessment Essentials - CODE Compliance Webinar

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“The lead nurse had used a template supplied to the practice from a compliance company to carry out a risk assessment. However, she had not received training to enable her to competently assess the risks.”

If a practice fails a CQC inspection in 2019, it’s highly likely that risk assessments played a part. These complex tasks are sometimes delegated to team members with little training and a question we are regularly asked on the iComply helpline is ‘how do I carry out a risk assessment’? The answer isn’t as simple as you’d think, join the webinar to find out why!

During the webinar, Alex O’Neill, CODE’s Head of Compliance and Stuart Mann, CODE’s Health and Safety Expert, will provide an overview of risk assessment principles, which assessments you need to do and who should do them. They will also look at common mistakes made when using templates, how to ‘follow up’, when to outsource, training requirements and what to do if you find you don’t have appropriate risk assessments in place.
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