How Great Medley - Israel & New Breed

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FEELS LIKE HOME Vol. 1 Available Now!

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*I was born a Muslim in Iraq. I was worried and depressed, sitting and looking at the Tigris River in my city.Jesus' face appeared to me in the water and told me. "Son, you're not alone" And now I'm a Christian, and I pray every day at the edge of the river.Thank you Jesus for this grace. I'm not alone right now. Jesus is with me*


I'm so lost in life...never felt so lonely, misunderstood, very regretful for many things and I have been having suicide thoughts. Every time I try to attempt, I stop and play this medley. This has saved me so many times and for the length of this video Im able to step back and remember that I am loved by God and that I am not alone!! 🙏🏽❤ thank you for this. From the bottom of my heart thank you!!


"You can go 40 days without food.3 days without water. 8 minutes without air.But you can't go single second without God.Amen!Whatever may happen in this world;Christ remains unchanging forever & ever" 😘🙏🥀


I was homeless, got into drugs, went into prisons, then i got to know Jesus, He changed my life.. Now i have a home, a wife, a lovely daughter and a new identity... A child of God.. Hallelujah


I became Christian when I was around 12 served almost immediately in worship team. Did some evangelical ministry in the streets and traveled to many churches through the state . I never really wanted kids. Cut to 2023. I’m married with a severely medically complicated child. She is my heart and I have never known such a pure love and sobering pain at the same time. I’ve made so many mistakes in my life and I can’t seem to find the strength to get it right. I’m praying for a miracle in my daughters health and my little families relationship with Jesus. I cling to scripture like “He who began a good work in you, will see it through to completion” or testimonies like Jobs and David’s life. I pray God gives me visions again and I’m able to be the priest of my home like I am called to be. 🙏🏼


[🎙 · ♪ · 🎤.]
En la cruz
En la cruz
Yo primero vi la luz
Y las manchas de mi alma
Él lavó
Fue ahí por fe
Yo ví a Jesús
Y siempre feliz con El seré

[ 🗣 ]
Oh, man
Papi lindo, I love you
Love this family
I love the nostalgic moment we just had
Goin' all the way back to Globe, Arizona and Santa Fe, New Mexico
Oh, thank you, Jesus

[♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫]

[🎙 · ♪ · 🎤.]
Mi Dios cuan grande eres
Cuan grande eres Tú, mmm
Mi Dios cuan grande eres
Cuan grande eres Tú (Keep this Spanish flow going)
(Mi Dios, mi Dios)
Mi Dios cuan grande eres
Cuan grande eres Tú (Cuan grande)
Mi Dios cuan grande erеs
Cuan grande eres Tú

Thе heavens are telling
Telling the Earth how great You are
And we are responding to Your love
The oceans are rising
Rising and falling at your word
And we are responding to your love

[🎙 · ♪ · 🎤.]
My God how great you are
How great, how great you are
My God how great you are (How great)
How great, how great you are
My God how great you are (How great)
How great, how great you are
My God how great you are (How great)
How great, how great you are

[Verse 2]
You are my deliverer
You are my deliverer
I call on your name
You reach out and save me
You are my deliverer
You are my deliverer
I trust in your heart
You’re a faithful, faithful God

[🎙 · ♪ · 🎤.]
My God how great you are
How great, how great you are
My God how great you are
How great, how great you are

(Sing Hallelujah, Hallelujah)
Hallelujah (Hallelujah)
Hallelujah (Hallelujah)
Hallelujah (Hallelujah)
How great you are
How great you are
(Sing Hallelujah)
Hallelujah (Hallelujah)
Hallelujah (Hallelujah)
How great you are
How great you are (How great you are)
How great you are
How great you are (How great you are)
How great you are
How great you are

[♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫]

[ 🗣 ]
Thank you, Jesus

So, be glorified
Be glorified
Be glorified
Be glorified
Oh, be glorified
Be glorified
Lord, be glorified
Be glorified

[ 🗣 ]
I remember when I first started leading worship
I was 19
And I was the drummer
Karlan, I was the drummer in our worship team
I enjoyed being the drummer in our worship team
I just had enough responsibility to hold it together
The pastor called me on a Wednesday morning
He said, "Hey, I want you to consider being our worship leader"
And I said, "I'll pray about it"
You know, I didn't wanna say no right out, but
I said, I'll pray about it
He said, "Great, pray hard an pray fast 'cause
'Cause you start tonight"
I remember calling my mom, freakin' out, you know
"Mom, I get to lead worship tonight"
My mom goes, "What're you gonna wear?"
With the same frantic, "Oh my gosh, wardrobe"
I remember getting up there
I knew two songs, I knew "Celebrate Jesus"
"Celebrate, " the great Gary Oliver song
And I knew this song
I knew these three chords, man

Be glorified

[ 🗣 ]
And my legs, my right leg in particular, would just shake uncontrollably
I had no idea what I was doin', I was scared to death
And I watched how God took that simple talent
That simple gift
And turned it to His Glory
I remember going home and putting my little piano in my kitchen
Because the acoustics were good in there
And I set up a candle and a bass and some salt and pepper shakers
'Cause even I wanted to be cross-cultural
And my simple prayer 30 years ago, 30, geez, 30 years ago
Was the prayer I pray every day when I sit down at a keyboard
Or when I sit and pick up a guitar
Or get on worship Wednesday and try to encourage people
My prayer is
"God, if this is what you've called me to
Then teach me how to worship"
I know that sounds so simple right now 30 years in, but
It's the key
God, I never want, I never wanna think like
"Hey, I've got 30 years in, God, I got this"
I never wanna get stuck singing and leading to the front row
I wanna be the court jester of worship that entertains the King
I wanna be summoned into His presence
And maybe it's just this song

Be glorified (No matter how simple)
Be glorified (But sing it with all your heart)
Be glorified (And entertain the King)
Be glorified (I felt like he put his hands on my hands and just)
Be glorified (Began to play through me)
Be glorified (Began to sing over me in that little kitchen)
Be glorified (And here we are, 30 years later)
Be glorified (Singin' the same song, singin' the same song)
Be glorified (All we want is You to be glorified, Jesus)
Be glorified (Nothing else matters, Jesus)
Be glorified (Be glorified, Jesus)
Be glorified (Be glorified)
(Be glorified in this temple)

Be glorified in the heavens
Be glorified in the earth
Be glorified in this temple
Be thou glorified

My God how great you are
How great, how great you are
My God how great you are
How great, how great you are (My God how great you are)
My God how great you are
How great, how great you are (Yeah)
My God how great you are
How great, how great you are
My God how great you are
How great, how great you are
My God how great you are
How great, how great you are

[Spontaneous Outro]


My mom just passed this week. My Lord has sustained me through worship. I know my mom is with the Lord and that has brought me peace. She was so much in love with Jesus. But I miss her so


I was paralyzed in bed last year and I heard Jesus say out loud to me - If you believe in me get up and walk💜🕊💜 I got up and not only walked but went for a walk outside. Praise GOD IS ALWAYS WORKING!!!! ✌💜🕊🙏


Nothing against anyone...but black musicians are extremely soulful. There's just something about how they interpret a song. You can really feel it. It transforms you from the inside out. Amen!


There is nothing, absolutely nothing like WORSHIP!

How great you are God.


that Spanish chorus just had me on my knees


You don’t have to be physically in that room to feel how intense the Holy Spirit is touching and opening hearts. BUT HOW AWESOME IT WOULD BE TO BE THERE!! I love praising to our Heavenly Father! I cry to Him and cry out to thank Him bc it’s the only way it comes out frm my heart. 🙌🏽❤️🕊 Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Thank you!


Who else wanted more of that Lady who sang, “Be glorified”? I know I did, WHAT A VOICE, GOD JESUS😭😭😭🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿But overall love this and wish to experience such a community of Love and worship😭🙌🏿🙏🏿❤️


Worshiping is such a powerful element in getting closer to God…. You just want to live in it all day all night….. wow i can’t wait for the moment when we get into heaven and we can worship 24:7….


Whoever reading this, God never sends you into a situation alone, God goes before you, He stands beside you, He walks behind you. Whatever situation you have right now be confident. God is with you. Amen 🙏❤🙌


GOD Is Saying To You Today;"Don't go backwards, that's what the enemy wants you to do.Your future will be greater than your past.Your past was just preparation for your future. Iam with you.Keep moving forward. Things are better for you up ahead. "Trust in His promises.🕊


I don’t care how many times I listen to this medley, every time I hear Melonie Daniels I get chills. She has a pure worship for the Lord that makes my heart leap.


1 Thessalonians 5:23 Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Can we sing be


Nothing in this world is better than being in the presence of the heavenly father!!!


Every time I hear a church song an emotional feeling take over me and all I do is cry. I don’t know why, but, I cry and I cry hard! And hearing this just made me cry and get down on my knees. Nothing like before. It’s like I feel alone but I know I’m not. I Haven’t been to church in years. Over 21 years. There’s no way Your channel just popped up for no reason. I think it’s time I go back to church. 🙏🏽❤ Thank you for sharing these beautiful songs. Especially, the Spanish ones that bring me back to my child hood when my dad was one of the pastor in creciendo en gracia, in Florida.
Thank you so much, stay blessed!
