J.J should be grateful to Kufour for saving his life - Major Rtd. Boakye Gyan

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This feud between Boakye-Gyan and J. J. seems like a perpetual unquenchable volcanic fire. Every now and then, especially, on every June 4th, folks find a way to scrape off some of the encrustation to trigger a flare-up, more and more. It may perhaps continue to burn till one of them passes on. That is a very unsettling observation. My fervent wish and hope is that it does not escalate to blow the rising Tribal tensions, as represented by the recent Ewe Rebellion, out of hand into a National crisis.

I can understand why Boakye-Gyan may still feel bitter about J. J. But who wouldn't feel that way, after the person you rescued from an impending execution turns around to execute your younger brother for attempting to overthrow him from Power, the very fate that person was rescued from and an act that brought that person to prominence and political Power?

However, both Boakye-Gyan and J. J. did make mistakes that culminated in the involvement of the younger late Gyan. And, I wish Boakye-Gyan would boldly concede his part of the error saga. It is easier for many to judge J. J. as a most horrible, ungrateful and unforgiving person. But we should also honestly ask if what Boakye-Gyan did was wholly appropriate. We must ask ourselves what could have been their relationship, had Boakye-Gyan not encouraged his brother to be part of a Coup to topple J. J. in 1981?

Surely, J.J.'s stand on the Limann's Retirement offer to the former AFRC members could have been offensive to Boakye-Gyan and those others who took the offer. But was an attempted Coup the best way to counter that behavior of J. J.'s? Now, J. J. and his cohorts reserve the technical justification of executing anyone who took a para-Military option to attempt to overthrow his Military Junta, even though most of us would consider that as an extreme penalty that could have been avoided. Moreover, it goes against the grain of simple morality that the verdict pronounced on Kyeremeh-Gyan and his friends, including Gyiwa and Joe Gyekye (my own second Cousin and a personal friend), was deprived of any forgiveness at all. J. J., could have stepped in to commute their Firing Squad verdict to life imprisonment at a much fortified Prison. This is where one could also argue that the Execution of those youngsters with over-exuberant Adrenalin was driven more by the cowardice of J. J.'s gang than by his sheer overflowing fury and animosity for Boakye-Gyan and his cohorts.

We must seriously learn to retain the records in good standing as to why and how all these things happened in Ghana, but, more importantly, also, learn to manage the accompanying emotions that erupt from these stories to prevent re-ignition of tensions in the Country. It is always easy to judge from a 20/20 hindsight. But it takes courage to honestly tell all that occurred. Anyone involved in those Revolutionary adventurism who goes to a Media Center to tell his or her version of experience must be seen as coming from a biased, even if understandable, perspective. Meanwhile, Kufuor was in no moral authority to isolate J. J. for any stringent punishment. Neither, could the rest of the Nation sit aloof to let Kufuor carry out any such action under the guise of rectifying Justice. J. J. still had a significant following that saw things differently from what Kufuor might have, especially, as Kufuor was generally seen as a biased sympathizer of some of the victims of J. J.'s Executions. We could have fallen into a trap of Tribal crisis.

May God keep us all in a wiser standing to help heal our wounds, physically, emotionally, psychologically and politically!

Long Live Ghana!!!


This man keep attacking Rawlings nd I don't remember the man attacked u before
