Bingo! The thrill of solving puzzle game localization challenges- Diana Díaz Montón (ThinkyCon 2024)

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Diana Díaz Montón of Native Prime joins us at ThinkyCon 2024 to present her talk: "Bingo! The thrill of solving puzzle game localization challenges".

The challenges of video game localization take on a new dimension when working with puzzle video games. In this talk, we will review some of these challenges and discuss strategies for cracking the code.


Welcome to the world's first thinky game developers conference.

Featuring talks from many amazing minds in the thinky community, we have an absolute treasure trove of insights to share. Puzzle design, art, development, production — learn about every aspect of crafting thinky games.

Everyone is welcome, no matter your experience, background, or familiarity with this space. For those of you new to thinky game development, we hope you discover a new fascinating world to explore.

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Thank you very much for the event and the talk. It was very interesting.

Recently i helped with a community translation of a game to get some background into this topic and it was really difficult. So thank you again for this important and good work that you do.
