Contour Your Nose Like A Pro!

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*Contour & Highlight (FIRST VIDEO POSTED)
*Contour & Highlight #2 (UPDATED VERSION)
*Cream Highlight & Contour:

Hello my loves!! I've seen a lot of people asking for a more in depth look on how I contour my nose! Sometimes, in videos, this part is a bit rushed! I wanted to keep it at normal speed and show you my techniques!! Makeup is just like art! You can 100% change your features by adding just a little bit of a contour in the right places :) I hope you enjoy!!! Lots of love, Carli XO

Products Used to Contour:

OR for a Powder contour I use:

*Brushes Used to Blend: Sigma:

(Not wearing in this video)
-260g BELLAMI Hair Extensions
CODE: Carlibel55 for $5 off any set!

*Bellami Styling Tools:
*BellaMi 6 in 1 Curler! Code: carli160
*BellaMi 3 in 1 Curler! Code: carli100
*BellaMi Straightener Code: carli70

*How I Whiten My Teeth:
-Dial A Smile Kit : Get it for ONLY $45 
-ONLY $65 for Kit & Pen Combo: 
-For 25% OFF ANY WL ORDER Use code: carli
  *Whitening Lightning Brow Bar Coupon Code: ZBROW
  (Brow kit & Whitening pen! $35)

How I Self Tan At Home:
15% off your whole order!! Use Code: carli

*Please subscribe to my new inner beauty channel!!

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*DISCLAIMER: This video is NOT sponsored.
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Uhhhh the bump trick!! THANK YOU! I need to try this


I think it's great that you're not getting a nose job. I used to hate my nose when I was younger ( my nickname in Jr. High was Gonzo), but as I've gotten older I've kind of grown into it and I would never change it, especially because I have my dad's nose and he passed away a few years ago. So, now when I look at my nose it reminds me of him and I wouldn't change that for the world, but it doesn't mean I can't get a little help from contouring ;)


people are so annoying. everybody is saying "you don't need all that makeup". it's her face it's her life it's her hobby. she wants to. why would you watch this video if you were against it anyway?


I love you Carli!!! That being said...
I don't think it's fair that people should have to explain themselves for every video they make. It doesn't matter if you had plastic surgery or if you didn't, if you are against it or not. I have adopted the live and let live philosophy and I wish that others would as well. Kind words are becoming a luxury in this world and that frightens me. I wish for you Carli, to have only kind comments posted for the duration of your You Tube experience. You are a lovely woman and Brett is a lovely man and that is all you two deserve. Keep up you positive messages and know that you don't ever have to explain yourself again if you don't want to.
To your viewers;  Remember that if you don't have anything nice to say it's better to keep quiet. Treat others as you want to be treated.


I really respect you for not getting a nose job, the answer isn't always plastic surgery, people!!


Am I the only one who thinks her nose looks much nicer without the contour??


*Friends*: You don't need makeup, you're more beautiful without it.
*Me*: Like now?
*Friends*: Yes you're so beautiful right now!
*Me*: I'm wearing makeup...


Can you imagine blowing your nose and nose contour coming off. Lol 😳 love you Carli 💕


Seriously love love loved this! So helpful!


Am I the only one who could NEVER make this look natural? Like seriously. 200 tutorials later and I just had to let the dream die lol.


I love how you stand behind what you're teaching others. I've neverrr liked my nose but this gives me an option besides surgery! Thanks for sharing!


Carli it looks unreal... And so natural there is a huge before and after difference... Loved it!! u look so stunning xxxx


You have the exact same voice as mila kunis!!


Beautiful before and after!! I ALWAYS contour my nose as well! I just feel like after applying foundation, my face looks so dull and features look less enhanced! So I just loooovvee contouring! Lovely video like always Carli!!


You're so REAL. I admire people who despite their fame are still so real and who do not change the way they are to please others. Like seriously I'm not even that good at putting on my make up but I really really enjoy watching your videos because you have the kind of personality that lights up a room and totally lightens up my mood! :) You have such a great personality!!! I love you!! <3 :)


Love you! I've been a loyal subscriber since your first videos. I think your caring way to much of what others think! People hide behind keyboards and screens they say anything hateful. Don't listen to anyone thinks of what you wear or how you look your unique you have a great personality and you got to where you are for a reason. Don't think about it too much! I've seen you grow and devolop into such an inspiration to thousands of people and I can tell the last couple months you are just not yourself. Don't worry about us. We love you. You have an amazing boyfriend, family and friends you don't need social medias approval of anything! Take a deep breath and remember who you are always


Hi Carli, I got a nose job last year and I am so happy I did, anyone who talks down upon others who has gotten plastic surgery probably doesn't realize the inner pain the person has gone through. I live in New Jersey and went to the best for giving natural results, Dr. Ramtin Kassir in Wayne NJ....just figured I'd tell you since you are from New Jersey, too....don't feel pressure from subscribers, or guilty if you ever decide to get one ( not that I really think you need one) but everyone said the same thing to me, it's just so nice not having to dread pictures or think about my nose subconsciously. P. S. Great tips!


Thank you so much for this video. I commented on one of your other videos not that long ago about contouring and it feels like you really look through the comments. I hope this helps because i'm def gonna try it out. You look gorgeous as usual and I totally agree with everything you said on plastic surgery. Keep doing what you do & take care! Xoxo


I just love how positive she is, gosh I love you carli, you are always so encouraging to me


Love that you aren't ashamed to say that you don't "love" your nose & are showing that that's normal & okay, even for someone as beautiful as yourself! And also helping other people in the process :)
