The Lost & Unused Theme Songs of The 2003 Series! [TMNT 2003 History]

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003)
The Lost and Rare songs. This video mostly covers the "Pick Us a Rockin' Theme Song Before Mikey Gets His Way Challenge." Which were 6 Songs voted on by fans to be the theme for Season 7, Back to the Sewers. There were also the three songs that Mikey wanted to be the theme song, that are very funny. And finally a demo song that was a possible theme for the first season. Enjoy!
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I'm gonna admit something about back to the sewer. I love Cyber Shredder's design and concept especially how he possesses Baxter Stockman's Cyborg body.


1) would've worked better in the 90's.
2) would only work for a rap video or something like that.
3) movie credits.
4) would work if the entire season took place in the digital world (no being in the real world at all).
5) Awesome! And also has a great vibe to it.
6) could actually work for a different version of the turtles.

The Mickey songs were funny.


For the Mikey songs, I have one question: How did Wayne Grayson keep a straight face recording these? 🤣


2:00 - Bringing The Green
3:03 - Turtle Time
4:05 - Comin' Back
5:15 - Cyber Shredder
6:17 - The Winning Theme
7:32 - Ready To Strike

Mikey's Songs
10:07 - Soy Una Tortugita
10:27 - Shake My Shell
10:55 - Pay The Billz


Oh I’m sure Mikey’s songs aren’t that—
*listening to his songs*
*face palms* Mikey...


Fun Fact:The "Unused 2003 theme" is actually the end credits theme for Turtles Forever


#3 Coming Back was kinda hot no lie but I'm happy with the theme that won. It was explosive enough to symbolize a return


4th sounds like it could work for a video game more


The unused tmnt theme was used in Turtles Forever, I like the back to the sewers theme that we ended up with the best.


#1- Gotta bit of a 90s flair in it since 90s cartoons had a bit of a rock and roll in it. Awesome!
#2- A rapping type. Sounds amazing I'll give it that. I can get down with it as much as number 1.
#3- I don't know who the heck is that, but I freaking love it. My opinion THAT should've been the theme. Just saying. I wanna know who did that song.
#4- It's like TMNT crossed paths with Daft Punk. If they did that song I'd be psyched if they did, cuz this song reminds of their song Harder, Better Faster, Stronger. I DEFINETELY picked this for like the theme or at least the credits. I cannot for the love of turtle power, stop replaying this song. The same goes for number 3 cuz they both got me pumped up


Ah, nostalgia. I remember listening to these off my crappy laptop back in the day.
I was worried one of the sucky ones would win, so I made sure to put in a vote.
I was psyched when the season aired and I heard the song I voted for!
And then we saw the end of the series...sniff.
There are some things that seem too good to end. I wish they had kept going with the original writers and gotten the acclaim they deserved for being the only show to have a story-line so faithful to the original comics. (Eastman and Laird even got a few animated cameos as cops!)
I loved the 2003 series. Funny - but not over-the-top, enough action to keep even a hyper six-year-old's attention, plenty of good family values and relatable issues, and turtles that are actually cool.
On a side note, my little sisters started watching the Nickelodeon turtles a while back and liked them. Then they watched the 2003 series.
They kinda hate the Nick turtles now...
(P.S. Digging up toys and merchandise from 2003-2010 is a pain.)


"Mikey, Yeah! his still nuts!!!!" XD I like that lyrics in #1 LOL


1) would of fit a 90’s series more
2) not the biggest fan
3) sounds more like a movie credits theme
4) instrumental wise it’s great but the lyrics aren’t the best
5) the best one and definitely glad it won
6) worst one imo


I personally really like #4. The techno music fits perfectly with the main arc of the season, and would've worked even better if it was the intro for Fast Forward season 2 or something. You can also tell it's a fan favorite because it's the most replayed song of the bunch.


As much as I really loved the theme song that won and got used for Back To The Sewers, I honestly find "Bringing The Green" to be super catchy as well.


I liked that 4th Theme they had. It actually really fits Cyber Shredder


I can see why #5 won, but #1 is genuinely amazing because it fits that early 2000 fast rock vibe. #4 is also great but for a video game instead of the show.


1) It’s just alright
2) Reminds me of like some of those science videos that teach you stuff
3) Alright but not a big fan
4) Would be good if it was the theme song of a finale
5) Perfect 👌🏽
6) 😴


Levels of seriousness of turtles.
1- og comic
4-2018 rise of the turtles
5-classic 90s/80s

We dont talk about the next mutation.


1. Good, but too cheesy for my Taste.
2. Like some of the way they sing the lyrics but the some of the lyrics themselves are hit and miss for me.
3. Eh... I don’t mind it, but I get 2000’s ‘booty anthem’ song vibes from the beginning the rest is better.
4. Fitting for one of the elements of the season but I’m not a fan.
5. Perfect. No complaints here and glad this was chosen.
6. Not bad, but feels more like it came from a fan then a professional creator.
