Part 9 Overriding stored procedure defaults with entity framework code first approach

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In this video we will discuss, changing the default Insert, Update and Delete stored procedure names that are auto-generated by entity framework code first approach. This is continuation to Part 8. Please watch Part 8 before proceeding.

public class EmployeeDBContext : DbContext
public DbSet[Employee] Employees { get; set; }

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)

By default, the code above generates the following 3 stored procedures for Inserting, Updating and Deleting Employee objects.

If you want to override or change the default names of auto-generated stored procedures, change the code in EmployeeDBContext class as shown below.
public class EmployeeDBContext : DbContext
public DbSet[Employee] Employees { get; set; }

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Entity[Employee]().MapToStoredProcedures(p =] p.Insert(x =] x.HasName("InsertEmployee")));
modelBuilder.Entity[Employee]().MapToStoredProcedures(p =] p.Update(x =] x.HasName("UpdateEmployee")));
modelBuilder.Entity[Employee]().MapToStoredProcedures(p =] p.Delete(x =] x.HasName("DeleteEmployee")));


At this point delete the Sample database and run WebForm1 again. Notice that the generated stored procedures now have the names we specified.

The above code can also be rewritten as shown below
public class EmployeeDBContext : DbContext
public DbSet[Employee] Employees { get; set; }

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
(p =] p.Insert(i =] i.HasName("InsertEmployee"))
.Update(u =] u.HasName("UpdateEmployee"))
.Delete(d =] d.HasName("DeleteEmployee"))

The default parameter names of the stored procedures can also be changed using the following code.
public class EmployeeDBContext : DbContext
public DbSet[Employee] Employees { get; set; }

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
(p =] p.Insert(i =] i.HasName("InsertEmployee")
.Parameter(n =] n.Name, "EmployeeName")
.Parameter(n =] n.Gender, "EmployeeGender")
.Parameter(n =] n.Salary, "EmployeeSalary"))
.Update(u =] u.HasName("UpdateEmployee")
.Parameter(n =] n.ID, "EmployeeID")
.Parameter(n =] n.Name, "EmployeeName")
.Parameter(n =] n.Gender, "EmployeeGender")
.Parameter(n =] n.Salary, "EmployeeSalary"))
.Delete(d =] d.HasName("DeleteEmployee")
.Parameter(n =] n.ID, "EmployeeID"))

At this point drop the Sample database and run WebForm1 again. Notice that the stored procedure parameters have the names we specified.
Рекомендации по теме

i got confused in this tutorial., i watched your previous video and i noticed you didnt relatively used the stored procedure in inserting, updating etc. instead you used repository. and basically you can achieved that without overriding the stored procedure i think., how can you override the default procedure in stored procedure and use it in inserting, updating etc,
I have another table called department and in my Web i need to fill up employee information along with the department he belongs. if the department he belongs does not exist in the list the user will add new department and when the user save the data it will invoke the stored procedure where it will save the employee information and the department information. pls reply to this. thank you
