Dine With Orcas (Full Show) - SeaWorld Orlando - January 16, 2021

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Dine With Orcas always includes a presentation with SeaWorld's killer whales! This time I was lucky enough to see all 5 of SeaWorld Orlando's orcas participate. While the girls focused on showing off for the Dine guests, the boys were doing photo setups for the Killer Whales Up Close Tour, but there were still two incredible 5 whale aerial behaviors! Highlights below:

0:00 - All 5 whales do an alien together for the tour!
2:38 - Katina, Nalani, and Malia belly breach!
3:28 - Malia's kicker
3:41 - Katina's alien then Trua and Makaio slideout for the tour
4:07 - Nalani's bows (2x)
4:30 - Malia's froggie with vocals (but you can hardly hear them)
5:00 - Nalani's alien in front of me!
5:22 - Malia was sent on a thrash slideout but she slid out with vocals instead, followed by Katina's ventral salute bow at 5:38
6:10 - Malia tries the thrash slideout again and gets it right! Followed by Trua and Makaio's alien for the tour at 6:38
7:14 - Malia's spin bow
7:32 - Katina froggie right in front of me! She was in the wrong spot beforehand but got it right this time! Followed by Malia's high jump at 7:47
8:23 - Malia's alien right in front of me!
11:00 - All 5 whales do a backdive together! (thumbnail)

Makaio, Trua, Malia, Katina, and Nalani (Killer Whales) at SeaWorld Orlando on January 16, 2021.

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I love orcas the most FOREVER and EVER 😍😍😍🐳🐳🐳🙏🙏🙏, and I can make the sounds of orcas well.


I just realized they were playing frolic or splash from one ocean


How long have you been going to SeaWorld for?
