Phi-Pi Cubit.

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HEXAGON: Five-Sixths Penta Hexa Formula: Phi Squared and Pi
There is a very special though cryptic formula in both the world of Pure Maths and Physics. It says that 6/5 x Phi Squared = Pi. (being 1.2 x 2.618… = 3.141…)
Because it is a Formula for the Approximation of Pi, the reader most likely would have shut down. But if I were to explain this to you from a highly visual context, your interest will be aroused.
The “6” as an image or glyph is the humble Hexagon. Draw the Star of David inside this Circle of Pi, and observe that each part, from point to point is Pi/6 = 3.141592…/6 = .523598…
nb: in Harmonic Maths, this value of .523 can represent 523 centimeters which is the ancient Egyptian Royal Cubit that had a value of 20.6 to 20.64 inches or 523 to 525 mm. It was also Anthropic meaning it was related to human body parts, specifically the distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger, also being the distance of 7 palms based on 4 fingers each, which subsequently gave a measure of 28 parts and thus had a cosmic connection to the 28 day cycle of the Moon. The Hieroglyph for the Cubit was a simple stick drawing of a bent arm at the elbow, as shown.
But in the above formula where we calculated one-sixth of the Circle of Pi, we see that we need to know 5 sixths of the Circle of Pi. Thus (Pi / 6) x 5 = .523598… x 5 = 2.617993… which can be rounded off to 3 decimals as 2.618… which happens to be Phi Squared or 1.618… x 1.618… = 2.618… thus establishing a Penta-Hexa connection to the Circle of Pi, unifying the geometric dance of Pentagons and Hexagons in the cross-section of the DNA molecule. I also regard this as a Phi-Pi Connection.
The precise value of Phi Squared 2.618033988… less the value of 2.617993… using traditional Pi value as 3.141592… is .00004 which is 4 in a 100,000 showing great precision.
When using The True Value of Pi 3.144605511… we get, for JainPi x5/6 = .524100… x 5 =2.620504… and the difference of error here is only .001 or 1 in a thousand.
Jain 108
ps: This value of Phi Squared has its inverse or (1/Phi) squared = to .382
relating to another article I wrote on Harmonic 382 being the Apex Angle of Kepler’s Triangle which is 38.2 degrees. And this value of .382 is the side length of the Octagon in the Unit Diameter Circle.
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At 1:58..." this goes back to egyptian knowledge"


There is another number which can be included in this sequence. And that is _e._

Back in the 60s, a guy by the name of Len Barry had a hit song called 1-2-3, explaining that "that's how elementary it's going to be".
For the creation of the universe, this sequence takes on the decimalized Trinity form of:


And we could be so bold as to adapt Barry's lyrics to become:
"It's as harmonious as Phi-e-Pi" (1.618..., 2.718..., 3.1415...)

The integer sequence that children learn would lead to a Matrix universe of perfect symmetry and order, where the Earth would be a perfect sphere and would orbit the Sun in a perfect circle with exactly 360 days divided by a Moon that orbits exactly 12 times during that year. The calendar would have exacting symmetry.

But this would be a static universe where nothing interesting happens. It would be like listening to music where all of the intervals are fully consonant, and there is no tension.

The irrational sequence leads to the universe we actually live in. One where the symmetry has been broken, and the order is saturated with an underlying chaos. There is no rational division of the month or the year. Male does not mesh with female in perfect harmony. There is a discord that creates a tension in the marriage between yin and yang. Softness has been infused with an aspect of hardness. Hardness has likewise been infused with an aspect of softness.

PhiePi could be seen as a numerical representation of the Moon-Earth-Sun "Trinity".
Reorder: Pi-e-Phi (PiePhi) => Sun-Earth-Moon => 3-2-1.
Paradoxically, the perfection in the Earth-Moon-Sun Trinity is in its imperfection.

Barry himself says "Basically it's as easy as Pi". Heh.


Super job Jain. Thanks for getting me started.


This was SO helpful - I'm studying R.A. Schwaller De Lubicz's, "The Temple of Man" and you have beautifully clarified the anthropomorphic/mathematical relationships for me. Excellent! Thank you!


5:10 < 4 x 7 = 28
4 lunar phases x 7 days in the week

I just thought it might be helpful to spell out what is probably obvious to everyone.
Thanks for your videos! I only happened to find them today, and immediately sub'd.


You're all over the place. Let me give you valuable knowledge you've not yet obtained.
Use poetry to unlock every answer the universe has to offer. Title each poem, the fundamental concepts of absolute reality down to existence, and will create a story that explains all existence.

Thanks for your knowledge. Beautiful channel.


The 5&6 and the cubit 52.36 was already shown 5x equals 2.618 and 6x equals 3.1416
In 2014 by me. But a lot more.


Amazing☀️ Mind blow - spirit alive! Thank you🙏🏻


If you want your mind blown

On the basis the Egyptians calculated their royal cubit as you show- ie using a circumference of Pi =

Pi/6 = one royal cubit = 0.523599.... approx 0.524

Pi/6 is 0.523599 or 0.524 or one royal cubit.
Assume this as meters
C= circumference = Pi (as we know C=2Pi x r), so if C=Pi,
Pi=(2Pi) x r
r=Pi/(2Pi) - cancelling out....

D= 1 METER !!!! note Phi doesn’t feature in this.

Numberphile show phi as the most irrrational of irrational numbers - perfect to pack seeds and petals, and the most perfect route to miss trees in an infinite apple orchard.


Donde encuentro en la web lnformación sobre la ecuación 6 en 5. Gracias


ohh!! Thanks!! (my personal cubit is 42)


This is how I came to be pretty certain the Egyptians definitely did not design the pyramids. Sure, its a fine demonstration that they possessed knowledge which was at the heart of reality. But this is just a consequence of being the descendants of a culture that at one stage, was truely advanced. As valid as this ‘key’ to realities geometric nature, it is a supremely inadequate level of knowledge compared with what would be required for the pyramid to function in the manner they appear too. Resonance, inductive coupling, magnetic quenching.... Not to mention a knowledge of the various, particularly the uppermost, and the manner in which manner the waveform of the stellar ‘energy’ output are composed. (And therefore, how the sun actually works as an internal component of an interstellar input ‘energy’ FAAR beyond our current understanding.... FAR.

Question is why, NOT HOW, were the pyramids built in the first place. Everyone all distracted with ‘how’ ‘they’ accomplished it when the true question is WHY. (And ‘when’ and ‘who’)

This knowledge would have been considered a lost art by the time of the Egyptian empire.

It’s possible one of the smaller pyramids was a transformer type device and bled off a degree of HF energy for the local inhabitants to utilise in the form of plasma discharges but the shear degree of the pyramids capacity to generate energy would have been far in excess for these types of uses. This was an engine for operational functions on a scale that is either massive in energy density, massive in energy distribution or created energy of large volumes but more importantly, was of a nature that was analogously and perfectly harmonised with some large, complexly integrated and critical energy systems on the planet and acted as a ‘booster’ for a given duration during a celestial cataclysm, without which would spell the end for all complex life forms on the planet.


Hello friend.
According to you (me too): "π=(6/5)φ^2" ;
Please, tell me your opinion. Thank you ++.


The cubit is the middle of the Planck Scale in both directions exactly.
Prove me wrong.


The old pi, is a tube hologram of cell structure. Ask, ill show you.


I have no clue what your point was. You start with an approximation for pi, and then you calculate both sides and indeed approximately they are the same. The egyptian stuff didn't go anywhere, I really don't understand what you wanted to say with that. The fact that you got 0.524 is once again dependent on units and I seem to recall that I made a previous comment where you used imperial and now you have proven my point. When you can choose unit systems, you can change numerical values to you liking.
It is also not an equation since there is no equal sign involved. You said it yourself that this was an approximation thus it isn't an equality so no equation.
But most imporantly, what does this have to do with flowers? The only time you bring up flowers is in the last second of your video...
But congratulations on the algebra for 10 year olds, you passed!


If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. When you define a cubit as pi/6 meters it's way less than mind- blowing that all the arc segments around a hexagon inscribed in a 1 meter circle measure 1 cubit. Forget sacred geometry and stick with 10th grade geometry.


#290 liker from a 628er 3.14🟩@ 06:47=28 1971 Moonday In Relation Too bicendecimole'🔺
