Audio | J. Krishnamurti with David Bohm - Gstaad 1965 - Group Discussion 6 - When the mind is...

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J. Krishnamurti - Gstaad 1965 - Small Group Discussion 6 - When the mind is completely quiet, how can there be time?

What does time mean to you, as a human being?

Is there such thing as existence?

Quietness has come because I have understood the nature of time, function, thought and pleasure.

What takes place when there is great intensity?

Thought has a movement in function. Here there is no movement which thought can recognise, because thought is not coming into this at all.

When time comes to an end, is there distance and space?

If you look at the mountain without the layer of thought as function, as the experiencer, what is space?

When there is no experiencer, no thinker, in that stillness is there time?

Time exists only when there is an observer.


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© 1965 Krishnamurti Foundation of America
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Thank you so much for uploading these.
Is there any place where I can find the transcripts for these dialogues?
Thank you.


1965 is my birth year. Ten years later 1975 I should have run away from my parents and escaped to England to the Jiddu Krishnamurti school and run into the arms of Jiddu and asked him to adopt me. But of course at that time I was as confused as it gets and had no idea what was going on I thought my parents and all adults were the epitome of rationality and I was just a crazy child. So I suffered along with my neurotic family until my brain was developed enough at around 24 or so that I began to question things. I keep thinking about what if I could rewind the time and have the knowledge of today. But I can't rewind the time. Things happened in their brutal ways the way they did. I have to make peace with that what was and that what is.


Pure joy. Realized I truly love following along with these two minds and be present with them through these recordings. Thank you for putting this out!


Wonderful to listen to the conversation between two great men of the past century.


Bohm is outstanding and their friendship is love for each others path to discover why mainly why man is flawed


Oops, I was still 5 years old - can not imagine then from 1983-1987 I could be part of Brockwood Park and even going to Saanen and Gstaat, too? What a probability really happened. Thank you for sharing this video to learn more and confirmed of some statements. Hmm, living the MATRIX is awesomely lost in wonders. And today, suddenly got recommendations from youtube so many videos ring bells on memory of the 2 gentlemen: Krishna Ji and David Bohm - what a momentum. So strange. And I am in my 61. The amazing beauty of Life.


Shedding light on the human evolution is appreciable.


Great conversation, Bohm seems genuinely excited in this one


you are time. when thinking, you perceive time as stress, confusion. when paying attention, you become it. you are becoming the movement, and that transcends time, you are not moving but you are the moving. time would have no meaning without ignorance. when you are it you can not perceive it as something separate, it all loses meaning, that is transcendence


'Mountain', 'space', 'distance', 'time'; 'thought'

We take for granted all of these categories and the preferences loaded within the language we inherit.


Thank you for this immensely meaningful sharing


A podcast or an online radio with these talks mixed with music would be da bomb.


i tried to stop my thought (as least as much as i could) when K asked D to try it. all i felt was immediate quietness (yet i still senses the conversation was going on). this sounds paradoxical but this is something i experienced for the first time. as for what happened after that, my thought came into after that


When you are sleeping, you don't feel time, or existence, but nevertheless you exist and time passes.


Can I be the Cook (that I am) without wanting to become Prime Minister I.e. the waves of thought in aversion (pain) to my status comes to an end Thank you Krishnaji & Dr. Bohm once again


beautuful, the core issues of human existence.


But then again, when you're lost in thoughts or experiences, you don't feel time passing either.


Je suis née en 1965 et je découvre cet homme et ces discussions seulement maintenant?! Perte de temps? Et si le temps n’existait pas? Que je ne pouvais prendre connaissance de ces discussions seulement maintenant? En avoir conscience? Merci d’avoir posté ces discussions. Merci infiniment.


Sería una bendición tener los subtítulos dd estás conversaciones tan profundas y serias 🐌


Krishnamurti was human with extremely deep insights but not a god and when he told Bohm to get rid of that relativity talk, to me that was nonsense. I've learned alot from K. He has changed me in ways I could never do on my own but he said some nonsensical things also and this was one of them.

 Bohm's genius mind was bringing physics into K's discussion which was enlightening. It is the unifying principle at work. This time K was dead out wrong!!!! He should have allowed Bohm to continue his science infused comments to continue while K added his own flavor to the mix.
