Lorna Byrne: The Lady Who Sees Angels Documentary Master

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The Lady Who Sees Angels
Working with Lorna Byrne and producing this documentary about her amazing life and gifts was truly an extraordinary experience. Lorna is perhaps the most honest and humble person I have ever met. She will say that she doesn't know why God chose her to spread his messages of love and religious tolerance, but I think God chose very wisely. Watch the documentary and see why millions of people worldwide believe in Lorna and her messages from the Angels.
Ted Yacucci, producer/director
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I was working delivering papers nights a several years ago, fell asleep going home while driving, a voice woke me “wake up Joyce”. I believe is was my angel, it was a masculine voice that was peaceful yet powerful. Saved my life an the car coming at me also. Have heard my name called several times over the years an am thankful I am not alone. At 75 I know all is well.


My daughter, 8 now, at 4 yrs old told me she remembered telling God that she wanted a mother just like me and He gave her me as her mother.


My mum saw an angel when she was 18, her first boyfriend died at 19 in a motorcycle crash.. my mum was at his headstone in the graveyard crying when she looked up and saw an angel crouched down she said it was white and bright with huge wings, God bless 🙏🏼


Who else is watching this during the Quarantine for the Coronavirus pandemic, and feeling like this is the beginning of a big loving collective shift!!


Is it me or does she, her soft spoken way, remind you of an angel 😇


I was suffering from depression and then one day it suddenly sink to my mind to pray.As I was about to end my prayer I felt a warm chill and as I open my eyes I saw a man with wings smiling at me and then in a blink of an eye it vanished.Yet that smile seemed to give me comfort :’)


Please pray for my mother. Please ask God to heal my mother and restore her health and mobility. She is 83-years-old, recently had back surgery and has suffered complications with nausea and stomach pain since her surgery. She has also has a hiatal hernia that is causing her complications with eating solid food. She is now in a skilled nursing facility so she can receive the rehabilitation therapy she desperately needs. Please ask God to heal my mother and restore her health and mobility. I’m praying for a miracle.


I have always believed in angels. When I had surgery I was terrified and I was praying to make it through and a hand touched my shoulder and I instantly became calm before they even gave me anesthesia. I’ve seen an angel once and once only and it was a beautiful experience.


I can attest to Lorna's claim of the existence of angels in our lives .... I was emotionally depressed and has decided to end it by drowning myself at the beach near to where I reside. Letting myself be drawn to the deepest part of it as the oceans current pulls me away. When the salt water is already under my chin God showed me what will happen next after I successfully killed myself ... I saw my mother weeping as she waits for my lifeless body; the pain I'm going to inflict on my mother made me decide to swim back on the shore by using my hand as a paddle against the ocean’s current and try to walk back until I reach the shore. Going back to my apartment I cried myself to sleep. Then in my dreams I saw a face of a man with thick large curly blonde hair and his face is very masculine and there's a light behind him as if it was the early morning sunlight that is radiating. Then he spoke and told me "Be not afraid ... I am the angel of courage" ... then I woke up and could not believe what I just dreamt. I immediately searched for my mobile phone and googled the angel of courage if there is one; and to my surprise there is! His name is Malahidael or the Angel of Courage. My life was never been the same after that.


I've had a personal experience out of this world - one evening when going to bed, and waiting for the sleep to come, I started hearing angelic singing. First I thought it came from outdoors, that someone had a track playing of fabulous choir singing, but nothing did I hear when I opened the window. I went back to bed, and it started again when I layed my head on the pillow. Louder and louder, and hundreds of more voices started accompanying that choir, thousands! Angelic voices that I've never heard before! I soon realized that what I was hearing was indeed something truly heavenly (not in my imagination, but for real!) and that myriad was singing in notes that are humanly simply impossible to attain! When I understood I had just been blessed with having my very own concert of angels in my own privacy, all I could think in my aw was that if I only had a way of recording that, I'd share it with the world immediately! But all I could do was record myself imitating the melody right after they stopped (after about 5 minutes) and the lyrics I heard "Praise the Lord, Amen!". That experience stays with me til the day I die! Simply BEAUTIFUL!! ♥️♥️♥️


This post reminded me of the time i was 16 yrs old driving to my aunts house in a terrible NY snow storm. The winds were blowing fiercely, the snow was so thick and i couldn't see 2 feet in front of me. There were no other cars on this particular road to get to her house and i was so scared! I started crying and asking GOD to please help me. Well within 5 minutes...a big snowplow truck came from somewhere, got in front of me and plowed every thing in front of me until i got to my aunt's! As GOD as my wittiness this is a TRUE story and I will never forget it.


When I was first diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia, I Was lying in bed crying for God to take
the pain away. As the pain finally started to ease off I closed my eyes for a few moments. When I opened my eyes there was no doubt what was before me but an Angel watching over me. I have never forgotten her. I can still see her in my mind today. God works miracles no doubt.


Lorna, herself, is obviously an angel. It shows in her soft, loving and gentle demeanor. Her presence shows she is a truly angelic being.


Fighting depression 😊 please remember me in your prayers ❤️


I saw an angel and it was amazing. I was very mentally upset crying and nearly hysterical and it was the Christmas season. I wasn't going to church but then decided it may make me feel better. My church is in a neighborhood and not a place you see homeless people. As I walked toward the church there was a man who asked for some money. He was tall, and beautiful, clean cut and had the bluest eyes I have ever seen. I only saw him ask me for money. I gave him five dollars and offered him more but he said no. My girlfriend walked in behind me and I asked her if she gave him money and she said see saw no one. There is know doubt in my mind he was a angel.


Saint Michael archangel, take away the fear, and the dark thoughts, and anything that is not from our true self to cloud our lives. Thank you.


Lying in a hospital bed in Columbia, my heart rate was up to 195 beats per minute, pain pulsating through my whole body. I had been informed that I was haemorrhaging internally with low red blood cells and my organs were shutting down. I started to pray because I knew that my life was slipping away. I had no family with me and as the doctors prepped me for surgery 3 giant angels sat on my hospital bed. One on my left, one on my right and on at the foot of my bed. They sat with their back towards me. Their wings were enormous all most hitting the ceiling. I remember thinking, "how did they get in this small room with such big wings." The wings didn't open they were tucked tightly jutting out from their shoulders. They had no eyes and their lips were closed and although they said nothing to me they had a small grin which comforted me. They turned their heads and I recognised them from 5 years ago when I was very ill, then I remembered I'd seen them when I was 7 years old. I felt so warm and I knew they were there to take me to heaven. The angels sat patiently just tilting their heads. They said absolutely nothing and then my mindset changed from me thinking I was going to heaven to me realising that they were there to calm me down and to tell me it was not my time yet and I would be fine. At that moment my mindset became so positive and I was ready for surgery. Friends arrived at my bedside knowing I would be going into surgery. They all looked so worried. I told them not to worry because my angels had arrived and I told them that I would be fine. I was sure that the surgery would go well. One of my two friends didn't pay any attention to the angels in the room but one of my friends who is almost blind asked me where the angels were. I told her they were seated on 3 places on my bed. She knew they were there too. She drew a cross on my chest and she started to pray immediately. All I can say is that those angels were as real as the bed I was lying in. They didn't speak but the message was so clear. I knew that it wasn't my time to go to heaven yet and I went into surgery calm and greeted the surgeons and thanked them in advance for their good work. The surgery went well, I'm still here! I tell people often about my angels and most people don't believe me but I know they are with me every day of my life. Watching this video made me so happy. I now realise that there are others who see them too!


We all need to pray for the USA and for the whole world for peace and life daily


When I was in hospital in 2018 I asked the angels for a loving embrace as a sign they are present because I was told by another person they are already with me. The emotion I got cannot even be put into words. Profound sence of gratitude and love came over me and I released all my feelings to them. My healing was up and down but I knew they were with me all the way and supporting me. God bless you all!!!


I’m struggling with mental health issues please pray for me 🙏🏻 & God & Angels heal me
