Public Domain Books Royalty Free Resource Favorites 📚 | Is It In The Public Domain?

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Table of contents
00:00 Introduction
10:11 Public domain resource for music:
11:12 Public domain resource produced by the U.S.:
12:35 How to determine if it's in the public domain
15:41 Best practice for protecting yourself from a copyright claim
Here's a partial transcript:
And what Half Trust is is a consortium of different major universities who have all gotten together and agreed to digitize they're available libraries.
And of course, there's a lot of textual material at the trust dot org.
And the great thing about this is when you go to look for a particular topic, I put in tomato garden on this one, you can find some really great material.
For example, I put in tomato garden and this was one of the things that came up easy one dish meals with Hunt's tomato sauce and how do I know or how would you know if you found this?
Whether the thing isn't actually in the public domain?
Well, I have put a little red box around where it says rights and you will see when the content is in fact in the public domain.
Rights that say public domain in the United States. Okay.
That's how you know that this particular piece of content is in fact in the public domain.
And I can guarantee you google would have not digitized it and the Hockey Trust would not have published it if it were anything but in the public domain.
So again, they've done most of the heavy lifting for you and it doesn't just go for half the Trust, all the sites that I'm going to show you, they've done the same thing.
They've done all of the public domain sorts of work so that you can basically rely on them telling you that it's in the public domain because they are making a public announcement of it on their websites, just like the trust dot org is doing right here.
So that if you're using half the trust, this is how you determine whether something is in the public domain.
Let's go on to Project Gutenberg. There are about 60,000 different books at this site.
I love this site as well. It's at Gutenberg dot org.
And once again, I just typed in tomato or tomato garden and I was able to find this really cool project or this book called tomato cultural practical treatise on the tomato.
Once again, when when I went to the video graphic record here, you'll notice the copyright status and it says public domain in the US that's what you're looking for.
Okay, let's go on to the next one. This is fun.
Alright, there are lots of public domain comic books and comic strips and one of my favorite sites for this type of material is here at comic book plus dot com.
And although it doesn't outwardly say, other than it says down at the very bottom here, public domain comic books and public domain comic strips, etcetera.
Although it does have this statement that I've highlighted here for you that all the content is free and legal.
That's because it's all in the public domain.
And by the way, not only is great textural material here at comic book Plus, but all of the artwork is also in the public domain.
So you could actually erase some of the words in the talk bubbles and put in your own information, your own, you know, dialogue and and and really come up with something very, very cool.
And there's so much great material here at comic book plus dot com.
So if you're into comic books kind of fun, this is a great site. Great resource.
Now we've talked about comic books, we've talked about texture material. What about art? What about clip art?
So here's another great resource called open clip art dot org.
And I love this resource for clip art for whatever you're doing.
And let's take a second here and just talk about this because I'll get this question all the time where somebody will ask, hey, I found this.
I think public domain content, can I use it in my project for, you know, a t-shirt, a new course, you know, a phone camera case, whatever.
And my answer always is if the content is in fact in the public domain, then you can use it for any reason, any reason without asking for anyone's permission or paying any royalties.
Watch the video for the rest...
#publicdomain #copyrightfree