’s tidbits for spot-on forecasting

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Step up your weather game, make your outdoor life easier, and understand weather models better! We'll go over the top 10 features that would be helpful for any outdoor activities, and leave time for your questions.

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Well done. No need to be nervous. You are great!


From Russia with Love! Hello from Ural!


Thank you for doing the webinar, I currently am using the majority of the features you mentioned, but I am looking forward to more educational content


Lots of new discoveries...thank you Kate


Thanks Kate, I have a sailing business so the wind and sea state features are very useful. The app features are intuitive to but I still heard new features. The seminar was very useful.


I hope to use this app for kayaking this summer. Iearned a lot today. Thanks.


Kate, I just watched the recorded webinar and it has some good info. I got a question in regards to pin favorite spots...I like to put my favorite pinned spots in order of personal preference and whenever I want to change the order I have to unpin a bunch of them to then try to pin them in the order I would like them to be. I have to be very careful when I'm doing this because if I don't get them in the order that I want I have to start all over again. There should be an easier way like dragging each spot into the order I want them to be, is there?


When will you have a webinar for boaters?


This webinar was for pro users not free version users. Maybe you mentioned this and I missed it at the beginning. So much of what you presented that is available to pro users is available on other apps in their free version. Thank you for sharing.


Sailing a lot in the Mediterranean with mountains around influencing the weather it’s important to use local models such as Arôme and Lama, very accurate Italian Marine weather model. Would be nice to have in the future


Hello Kate, enjoyed the recording of the webinar 👌 some interesting points.
From a user point of view:
Being able to change the order of my favourite spots.
Being able to rename favourites spots.
Would both be great additions to an already great app.
The following question is aimed at anyone in ‘the know’
Is it possible for me to change the colour of the numbers / background on MPH and Gusts ? as Black on blue is very difficult to see especially in bright sunshine !
Regards John 😊


Hi guys! I would like to thank you for this stream and for this app. Today it is very important to communicate with your customers, and I love that you do it. You have developed many useful features and made it cool. I mean, we're so tired of dinosaur age design, right? Your application gives us more or less accurate data with a good design. And this stream, I mean now we can share it with our friends and they will understand how to use it in the best possible way.

And I would like to suggest that you record a stream or make a series of videos on popular activity categories, because, for example, surfers can use this application in this way, others can use it in a different way.

Thanks again ❤

P.S. I am a web developer and I have developed many applications. And often the leaders of companies who want to develop an application do not understand the importance of the user interface. Sounds like you have a good CEO 😉


do you having rowing as an activity? i looked but couldn't find it. (i use the free version)


Question: Y a-t-il un lien entre l'application Windy (icône rouge) et la vôtre ?


Thank you Kate, as a pro-user I missed the 10 features for a pro
What’s the difference between the Windy Red logo and the blue one?


Please full screen, the right half is too much


I’ve asked by email as to the inability to expand or magnify the text because commonly lighting and older eyes have trouble seeing the small print inside the app on an iPhone. It would probably be better on a large screen iPad.


Suggestion: Y a-t-il une fonction de routage automatique pour la voile ? Je m'explique, il serait génial que l'application puisse proposer 3-4 scénarios de routage pour un voilier faisant route. L'application serait ainsi en mesure de proposer 3-4 routes différentes afin de permettre au navigateur/capitaine de choisir la route avec laquelle il est le plus confortable considérant la vitesse et la direction des vents, les courants marins, la hauteur des vagues et la houle prévus lors de la navigation.


Je me suis joint à la présentation sur le tard malheureusement mais j'ai quand même regardé la vidéo en différé (je ne sais donc pas si mon commentaire atteindra son destinataire). J'espère, comme beaucoup, qu'il y aura effectivement davantage de vidéos montrant la procédure pour personnaliser l'interface. Merci !
