Halal Thai Street Food in Bangkok - AMAZING THAI CURRY and ROTI Food Tour!

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The fish curry was my favorite dish of this Halal Thai street food tour!

The area around Haroon Mosque (มัสยิดฮารูณ), in the Charoen Krung area of Bangkok, is a great place to find Halal Thai street food (food cooked permissible with Muslim / Islamic traditions). In this video I’m taking you on a Halal Thai street food in Bangkok - we’re going to eat some amazing roti roti breakfast, and some of my personal favorite curry - gaeng gari (แกงกะหรี่).

Roti Mataba Khun Mai (โรตีมะตะบะ คุณใหม่) - This is the first place we stopped for breakfast to eat Thai Muslim style roti. Ying and I split a sweet roti, and a couple of mataba gai (มะตะบะไก่), chicken stuffed roti. Both were excellent, and made hot and fresh right in front of us.
Total price - 175 THB ($5.35)

Khao mok (ข้าวหมก) is Thai biryani, and this was actually more of a Burmese style. It rolled down the alley right where we were eating the mataba, and we had to try it. As we were ordering though, the family that lives in the house there in the gate, had watched our videos and invited us into their house to eat - this was completely random and unplanned. The family was extremely nice, and we ate the biryani in their home, and also tried a few of their extra dishes.
Price - 90 THB ($2.75) per plate

Gaeng gari (แกงกะหรี่) - This is probably my favorite dish of this entire Halal Bangkok Thai street food tour. Gaeng gari (แกงกะหรี่) of this style is typically a Muslim version of this amazing curry. It’s packed with spice, and what I love most about it are the curry leaves that give the curry its unique and strong flavor.
Total price - 110 THB ($3.36)

Gaeng Hindu (แกงฮินดู) - There’s a curry street food stall as you enter Haroon Mosque (มัสยิดฮารูณ) that you don’t want to miss. They have a curry that they called “Gaeng Hindu (แกงฮินดู)” or an Indian style curry. It looked like Thai massaman curry, but it didn’t taste at all like massaman curry. This curry was amazing, packed full of spicy, and not sweet at all like massaman. It’s a curry you don’t want to miss.
She wouldn’t allow us to pay. Thank you for the food!

Khanom soyi (ขนมโซยี) - This is the original version of this Thai Muslim dessert pudding. It was interesting, not my favorite.
Price - 20 THB ($0.61)

Kuay teow bok (ก๋วยเตี๋ยวบก) - This is a Thai street food dish you won’t find often, it included wide rice noodles and herbs, with shrimp, chicken, and peanuts, with a sweet chili sauce. The sauce was too sweet for me, but I liked the freshness of the dish.
Price - 40 THB ($1.22)

Khanom buang (ขนมเบื้อง) - Finally to end this Thai street food Halal tour, we ate khanom buang (ขนมเบื้อง). Most of the ingredients are vegetables and it’s really a refreshing and light mixture that all goes into it. It was a great way to end this food tour, and I was stuffed at the end.
Price - 40 THB ($1.22)

You’ll find Halal Thai street food around the Haroon Mosque (มัสยิดฮารูณ), especially on Friday from about 10 am - 2 pm.

Thank you for watching this video!

***CAMERA GEAR*** I used to make this video (these are affiliate links):

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Рекомендации по теме

As a Muslim from Singapore, I so appreciate you covering on halal food in Thailand! Sure helps the next time I bring my family there!


Dude....being invited into someone's home in Asian countries is such an honor!!! I LOVE THIS!!! I wish the rest of the world could be this way. Wow....gives me hope for humanity.


MashaaAllah I want to go to Thailand right now😭😭

I am Muslimah from Philippines🇵🇭


21:56 Azaan, Azaan In Background is Always Awesome.


Im a muslim from singapore. Thank you for covering halal food. Hope you can do more video on halal food in bangkok so that we know where to find halal food while in.bangkok


how cute when mark said''she gave me another potato''and was happy like he got something like a child....lots of luv from pakistan


Everybody in this video is so nice and if all the people in this world are friendly and nice like this....no war....no anger....no helping each that would be amazing😊.Sometimes its kind of funny....happiness is unlimited but we still dont wanna share it with each other....keep spreading the love Mark...love all your videos....peace from Malaysia😄


I spent 4 months in Thailand and was really surprised and pleased to find such a strong Muslim community. The food was wonderful and pork free, thank goodness! Lovely people too.


Great video no doubt that's why it blew up Muslims are people known for hospitality but unfortunately were given a bad image by media but Mark here is capturing the real beauty of the Muslim community good job keep going and the food looks delicious happy to know spots of halal food in Thailand


That family has a nice hospitality when they let you in to their home. Nice people


Sawadeeka, Malaysian muslim here.. thank you so much covering halal food from thailand, my wishlist InsyaAllah. Delicious thai food especially the fish curry (reminds me to my late grandmother- malaysian thai-she was a very good delicious cook) . Alhamdulillah.

Beautiful thai muslim family there. True Muslim like to offer/invite to come to their house, entertain guests nicely, give foods and gifts will get big rewards (by God Allah). Be nice and friendly to all. InsyaAllah.


Salam, I m a muslim from Kuala Lumpur.
The videos demonstrates the nice friendly nature of musliims in Thailand. Basically, I can see they are working hard to earn a living while performing their daily obligation to our Creator.Kopun kap.


Assalamualaikum everyone. I’m Muslim From Thailand☪️🇹🇭💕


That home was STUNNING! And how lovely of those people to invite you in!!!


British Pakistani and I have been Thailand 5 times (up to 3 months at a time). Greatest country, beautiful culture, beautiful land, friendliest people and not a single person has treated me different cos of my race or religion. I encourage any Muslims that are worried about travelling to hostile places to try Thailand.


21:50 I can hear the Azan in the background. You made my day. Thank you so much. Love from the UK ❤️


Its nice seing YINg just sitting their and smilling talking with the vendors, its refreshing.


I love Islamic culture ! Courtesy, humbleness, humanity and generosity.. Thanks for covering . well done


As an Indonesian Muslim living in Thailand. I am feeling so nostalgic looking at those foods... Martabak Daging which I love the most!


Ada suara azan pas dia makan kwetiau, rasanya MasyaAllah. So proud💕🇮🇩
