Nota AI Demonstration of How to Optimize an AI Model Using NetsPresso
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YooChan Kim, Product Marketing Manager at Nota America Inc., demonstrates the company’s latest edge AI and vision technologies and products at the 2023 Embedded Vision Summit. Specifically, Kim demonstrates NetsPresso, a hardware-ware AI model optimization platform that simplifies development by automating repetitive steps and was recently released as a Python library.
NetsPresso consists of three submodules: Model Searcher, Model Compressor, and Model Launcher, which collectively streamline the development workflow. The Model Searcher identifies the best models for your target device. The Model Compressor transforms the inefficient components of the model into optimized versions. Lastly, the Model Launcher ensures timely deployment of your AI model.
NetsPresso consists of three submodules: Model Searcher, Model Compressor, and Model Launcher, which collectively streamline the development workflow. The Model Searcher identifies the best models for your target device. The Model Compressor transforms the inefficient components of the model into optimized versions. Lastly, the Model Launcher ensures timely deployment of your AI model.