Temple Grandin Favorite Wisdom Quotes World Autism Awareness

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As we strive to bring about awareness during April’s “Autism Month,” we want to pay tribute to the most famous person on the autism spectrum, author and speaker Dr. Temple Grandin. This video is a compilation of quotes that have taught us much about the journey of autism and instill hope in each and every one of us for a brighter future.

Future Horizons proudly celebrates 20 years as the world’s largest resource for autism, Asperger’s syndrome and sensory processing disorder books, DVDs, and conferences! It all started with a book on “Laughing and Loving,” written by the owner and founder, Wayne Gilpin, who wished to share stories about his son with autism, Alex, and his unique view of the world. This first book was a mixture of joy, humor and love that Alex brought to Wayne and his family, which shed a positive light on living with autism during a time when one was hard pressed to find encouraging resources on the topic.

Thanks to our many talented and professional authors and speakers, we now offer a very extensive selection of autism resources providing education, support, encouragement and hope for what is possible.

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