No one plays Lux Mid in Challenger. Except this guy

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Thanks for watching! Hope you guys learned something about Lux here. You can learn something new about STEM with

Big thanks to Yozu for helping with the video. Definitely go check out his channel, he makes lux look way more exciting than it should be.


Wow this was such as well made video, thank you so much for the opportunity!! I sound so tired cuz I stayed up late for this haha 😅


but his allchat distraction into ult is hilarious lmaoo


he made lux look like she has an s-tier mobility


i got matched against this guy in a normals at the beginning of the season and he built jak sho on i will never forgive him for what he did to me


Twitch mod for Yozu here. Saw a few quesitons about his runes, item and summoner choices so i decided to reply with stuff which may answer your questions.

When it comes to the diffrent itembuilds he uses there's a few diffrent ones:

The most common would be to get a early dark seal then purchase Ludens. After ludens purchase mejais if you have 6-8 stacks on your dark seal. After this build horizon or shadowflame based on the rule i talked about earlier. After either horizon or shadowflame is buildt proceed to build rabadons to get a spike of ability power and then for last item purchase void staff to shred more of the enemy mr.

His second setup would be Crown into Banshee. This setup is used into engage heavy teamcomps who will often run you down with engages on cooldown to kill you. This setup uses comet as runepage and for the secondary runes he would run cheap shot and ingenious hunter. Reasoning for ingenous hunter is to reduce the cooldown of the banshee and crown.
His item order here would be similar to the ludens setup but instead of using ludens + horizon or shadowflame, he'd instead build crown first item into then banshee. After banshee he would build similar to ludens where he goes rabadons into void staff.

In rare cases there's a third build which is used, this one swaps out the ludens for everfrost. This setup is used in the rare games where enemy would have yasuo and samira on the team. Reasoning behind everfrost in this matchup is that windwalls cant block the projectile of everfrost. This lets you use everfrost as an additonal defence option against yasuo and samira who tends to nullify luxes kit do to her being fully skillshot based.

As for runes, his rune choice is mainly preferance and can change simply based on the fact whichever he wins more with x week. Both first strike and comet is used alot. Comet is generally the safest option as it deals slightly more damage than first strike, and you'll have a safe way to deal constant dmg without really any drawbacks. First strike on the other hand does slightly less damage but it gives you the added benefit of gaining passive gold from abilities. Id suggest testing out both runes and find out whichever you prefer as a player when it comes to usage.

As for his summoners they're also pretty much preferance right now. The most used setup would be flash + ignite because as stated in the video, your early game is pretty strong and you can often end up killing people level 2 or 3, so using ignite makes the chance to kill even higher. If you're a lux who struggles into matchups such as zed (or certain assassins), you could try out exhaust or barrier as a counter to their burst. With the first strike setup teleport is also used a decent amout right now as the main point with first strike setup is to scale and not really kill as much as comet would early.


I'd like to learn about his rune and item choices as well. What compels him to run ignite or barrier, why does he take comet instead of first strike etc. These otps try many different combinations and I think that difference in experience would be a big help if they shared it.


1:42 It has to be the first time in my entire league lifetime that I've seen a Lux 1v2 like that. Not even that, 1v2 a Sylas and a fking Graves.
What the fuck.


Yozu playing melee range, knowing how tanky his character is crazy.


Great video! Too busy to play these days, but I used to main Lux as well. Getting a big combo off on multiple enemies is super satisfying.


Hey Dong! Any chance we’re gonna get a video about Dzukill? I’d love to learn more about how he plays Yasuo and Yone!


been enjoying your videos for years dong, thanks for all the content over the seasons ❤


Wait did he really get his one trick buffed. That’s a lowkey flex


12:26 0/20 enemy bot laner in all chat after being hard carried


Great video, reminded me of my good ol days of maning Lux, lots of frustrations but also fun strategies


Ngl this is a overall great mage guide.


Yes lux, the best support to carry botlane while tilting 3 people there as well


I play her with Dank Harvest, it's really fun
The main reason is late game sub 50% HP snipes
It happened often enough that when I Ult the enemy and my comet flies in, they can flash comet
But they can't flash harvest


Speaking of midlanders, ever thought about looking into Azzapp? He’s the #1 Vel’koz player with multiple challenger accounts in his home of EUW and one in NA while playing on 150+ ping


Yozu has really great content on YouTube, he’s been trying to upload more consistently on Yozu Lux and Yozu (his main two channels). I really enjoy them!
