Splitting Training and Test Data for Machine Learning Using Python and Scikit Learn tutorial

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Welcome to the video series on Introduction to Machine Learning with Scikit Learn and Python. This is Chapter -7 and in this chapter, we will talk about how to judge the performance of our machine learning algorithm.

This is a video series on scikit learn tutorial. In this series I'm talking about using scikit learn machine learning for our implementations

Machine learning Algorithm selection faces a unique catch22 situation where you get the data to train but need unseen(new)data to test the algorithm which is available only with production.

To avoid this situation and understand the performance of the selected Machine Learning algorithm, we need to generate TEST DATASET from the available DATA Set.

We can do the same by segregating the available dataset in Training Data Set and Testing Data Set. Scikit Learn provides a utility function called train_test_split which can help us to achieve this goal

This video explains the usage of train_test_split function and how we can generate training and testing datasets.

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Рекомендации по теме

Wow this is a great video! Thank you so much! I like the step-by-step explanation of the parameters of the function too!


x_train is the training data, y_train is the labels for training data, similarly, x_test is the test data and y_test is the labels for test data


Thanks a lot for the clear explanation.


why I make training and testing on data by I split the data.? must be make a test on data which is already trained without split a data into two set for test and train because it will be from the same part. do I right?


how can i split train and test dataset for speech signal (other language)?


Hello thank you for the video It was very clear to understand!!
I need a little help, I've created recommender algorithù and I don't know how to evaluate it, I've seen many people evaluate their models using predefined recommender algorithms from libraries but not with their own algorithms, I'd appreciate it if you can help, Thank you!


How to split own image dataset with xtrain n ytrain


When i train model then how to test with different dataset. I have 2 dataset one for train and other for test.


Hello sir, can you please tell me how to evaluate final data on test dataset?


Sir, How to split the data in loan prediction datasets
What parameters we can use?
In train dataset the parameters are- Loan Id, Gender, Married, Dependents, Education, Self Employed, ApplicantIncome, CoapplicantIncome, LoanAmount, LoanAmountTerm, Credit History, Property Area, Loan Status

X_train, X_test, y_ train, y_test=train_test_split()

Plz help me


sir, if we have images data then?
how can we split it
