SSG go BONKERS for 0 SECOND Daniel Winner 🤯

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They’re determined not to go out just yet.

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Only thing hurting SSG this entire season was shooting accuracy. Never have I ever had so much anxiety for a team trying to go game 7 every single series. Kickoffs and shooting accuracy is SsGs weakness. Chrome needs to get that in check for SSG. They have one of the most effective playstyles to counter super mechanical teams. Only issue is consistency, bring in those solo plays when its least unexpected. And plz for love of God SSG take advantage of dead balls on other teams goal line. So many other teams like most take advantage of those mistouches by their opponents that results in a dead ball. Ssg has no one 9/10 times constantly putting in pressure. Which makes for such an easy counter attack. It's why we see Daniel caught off guard at defense. Even when he has the 2nd highest defensive saves on SSG.


W retals for being kind to Pioneers after the win


That last game was a nail biter if I've ever seen one. LETS GO LANIEL!


Imagine getting anhialated by dignitas after saying you are the best team in the Swiss format 😂


SSG have been looking very very shakey, honestly surprised they beat Pioneers. Daniel with lots of very bad mistakes. SSG had some big letups with Pioneers getting incredibly unlucky on the goal line
