Understanding PAWS and Relapse

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INFO on PAWS and relapse prevention:

Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome is a leading cause of addiction relapse. Find out all science and tools you need to know in order to overcome PAWS and avoid relapse.

#PAWS #Postacutewithdrawalsyndrome #addictiontreatment
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You saved my life, I was getting ready to jump off a building and when you said that the brain will heal and paws symptoms will go away it gave me the strength to go on


I was clean 8 days today and I got into a fight with my Gf, well it wasn’t a fight it was her yelling at me and calling me names and instead of staying and trying to make it right, I used it as an excuse to leave, when I got home I started having SEVERE withdrawal and depression and now I’m super super depressed because I relapsed. Tomorrow is a new day and I will stand back up and do all I can to fix it tomorrow. I’m gonna call my counselor and tell him first thing in the morning . Thanks for making videos for people who are struggling. I don’t think people understand that relapse when u first at getting clean happens and that we shouldn’t hate ourselves for it . There is a lesson in the why and if we vow to learn that lesson and avoid the same triggers, well, that’s where success lies for us


I literally relapsed and I told everybody it’s because I couldn’t sleep to save my life and when I did get 3 hours of sleep, I would dream about using EVERYTIME but im now 28 days clean from fentanyl and many more to come im glad I watched this video even tho I told myself no matter what I have to go through mentally I’ll never restart this cycle again ! Thanks for this video !


Thank you Rob for explaining this. This is really good information for people to have!


If you're watching this video it's because you're scared this will never go away. You've stopped the substance, but weeks, and even months later you're still struggling. For me, it's suboxone. I was on it for almost 9 years and tapered down to 0.25mg, from up to 8mg strips, at home in less than 4 months.

Tomorrow I will be 30 days away from my long term goal of one year. I NEVER thought I'd get this far by myself. But I did. And like you I was so scared of having to live like this forever. To this day I struggle with anxiety and panic, sweating, and mild depression. But everyone is different, and there is no one right answer to how long it takes. Your overall health, environment, mental state, support system, etc. impact your healing time, and while some people may feel bad for months, or even a year or more, others never experience PAWS at all. It is unique to each person.

I spent months looking up forums and watching videos of people who felt like I did, and having to face the fact that it could take up to a year or more terrified me. Well, don't do that to yourself. You're going to heal, and it will pass.

Keep busy, stay as comfortable as you can, shower often, and talk to your doctor. After 6 months time has gradually felt like it's speeding up for me. I'm almost at a year and that's insane. It doesn't feel like it. Yes, it sucked. But I'm grateful to be off of EVERYTHING. You can do this.




I started learning about paws 2 months ago. The worst was the first 30 days sober for me never made it past 30 days before. Now i understand.


I always relapse when things are going GREAT - never when things are bad. I can work my arse off, save loads of money then gamble and lose it all in seconds. It's heartbreaking but I keep going.


Thank you for this important information. I had chosen the method, made the preparations and was just waiting for the right time and thinking about those who my choice would hurt. This has helped,


7 months of suboxone and I still have restless leg syndrome throughout my body. My hands and feet still sweat and I still have sneezing fits. Haven’t slept more than a few hours at a time. Going crazy literally


I’m three weeks in the depression is killing me the diarrhea no energy for work no sleep I’m cold all the time it’s really getting frustrating


Can you go abit into this about SSRI paws and Specifically Trazodone . I only took it for 9 days and then had 10 days of definite withdrawals. Then it’s been followed up with lighter symptoms since and it’s been 5 weeks since the last dose. I don’t understand how such a short time period for a drug I was trusting my doctor gave me for stomach problems could cause this for this long.


What about GABA & Glutamate though?
I thought dopamine is rather quick to recover compared to GABA/Glutamate??


Thanks Rob, this explanation really made it easy.


This was very informative for my psychoeducational group.


I'm an Alcoholic so apparently I lacked in Tymine and Iv had a massive reduction in my paws symptoms sents I got an IV from the hospital after telling them I went threw DTs and still had physical/mental symptoms akin to the DTs phase. Now it's just gradually decreasing paws but it's way better now.


22 days without a needle going strong but God damn frustrating only getting an hour or two of sleep per day/night. Even taking medication for insomnia but it doesn't do anything smh so tired yet so awake lol


It says there are more videos that delve more into PAWS, but I don't see them. The links all lead back to this one video. (??)


I was the victim of the sever withdrawals I stopped every fucking intoxicants (cigarettes to hard chemicals) at early may of this year and was battling with depression dull mood anxiety and wtf is life kinda thought and I personally figured out that I’m not gonna miss it up and try to help my body instead, yea It is difficult but with will power and self care it’s easy and I personally got the strength from practicing spirituality, yoga and proper food that’s all my Doctor prescribed medication for 1 n 1/2 year but promise I got into a normal fucking guy in 4 months I stopped medication and I feel this bad phase made me a stronger than ever version of me I feel the energy and clear mind, thoughts now

Guys we are fucking humans the intelligent Fuckers in this whole world so we gonna fight back the hardest battles and win them and we shall face it all
I promise you.., I got back on track and you too can, always remember there shall be a beautiful sun rise after the long night


Thank you for this video, very well done and informative.
