KV220 Pools

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KV220 Pool Medal

Swaps to first person at 9 mins remaining on game. Anytime you see the camera pointed one way but gun facing a different direction I'm checking flanks/potential shots

The amount of bad play in this video is staggering. First my team, combined they do less than half my damage and leave it up to the slowest tank remaining to defend the base.

Red team was playing pretty well until end. The kv1 I was fighting appeared to have drove the cliff as I got the initial spot on him and he was already a two shot, the Arty was trying to focus me, the lower tiers tried to swarm me in the ditch. The mistakes definitely cost them the game though, I believe they got off cap twice once to kill Arty and second time the Wolverine to try and kill me. The a20 after killing the Arty needed to screen the cap better, he spots just a bit earlier and I don't catch the T1 heavy out with no cover. After the T1 was down the wolverine should have got back/stayed on cap and the light could have just gotten me tracked/circled.

Luck on my part, T-28 not penning the turret, killshot on m8a1and wolverine, and the spallliner helping mitigate the sexton 2 shots.

Things I wish I'd done differently, angled more vs T1 heavy, aimed a bit better on a few shots at a20,not wasted the repair kit on tracks but the Arty senses were tingling.

Just the little things they did wrong cost them the win while my team tried their absolute hardest to throw it away completely. Surprisingly no messages from either team afterwards. The post battle results are also screenshots on the website if anyone wants to look at them.
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