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The Final Wave for this New Wublin series is almost here! Tune in to see how to Poll based Wublin's design turned out and to hear the full song.

0:00 - Intro trailer
1:16 - Full Song
3:35 - Jigan-Tick Track
3:52 - Behind the scenes

FC: 61372935FL

Some of the material used in this video belongs to and is owned by Big Blue Bubble. This video is not official to My Singing Monsters of Big Blue Bubble.
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And thy, she goes!

This series was awesome to experience, since the days of Turcan Sam, to the Funke Monke, this was a wild ride!
Each Newblin is extremely charming all in their own ways, and you did a great job!

Now, let me write 5 entire paragraphs for each of them, because I can! HAH! Try to stop me, suckers!

Turhi served it's purpose well, being an introduction to the series, I like how it's sound is subtle but still adds to the song. The design is also awesome, dare I say, iconic. Overall, above average. It gets my seal of approval, or my walrus of approval, whatever it gets, it also means that this bit is getting old.

Reewynd, in my opinion, was the spiritual beggining to the series. Reewynd captures the Wublin theme perfectly! The design is awesome, I love the implication that it's an overgrown parasitic plant that has grown into some broken TVs, or something like that. The sound is also great! I like that it uses the TV to play, gives alot of room for creative ideas! This one also gets my [sea creature] of approval. Overall, a great followup to the series. Trust me, I tried thinking of a bit, but I got nothin, sorry.

Akaiyo was a surprise to everyone, sure we all new it was gonna be a collab, but with Dave Kerr??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!? Yeah, I think the overuse of symbols conveys my message. It's awesome you got Dave! But, I guess, it can also serve against it. In my opinion, most flock to Akaiyo just because "Wowzers, Dave Kerr!! Gadzooks, this sure is my favorite!" instead of really judging it for it's overall quality. In conclusion, Akaiyo is decent. As a wise person probably didn't say, "Akaiyo is blue Master Oogway".

Now, time for my overall favorite: Retubble. Boy, this one came out of nowhere! Well, not out of nowhere, as it was teased, buuuut, basically nobody cares about this things existence. Like, I think every other Newblin has one thing about them that makes them compatible as a common favorite. Turhi was the first, Reewynd was the followup, Akaiyo is DAVE and Jigan-Tick is the final one everyone was waiting for. Retubble is basically the middle child among them. But I still friggin dig it! The design is simple, and works. I like thst it uses eyes to play it's sound! And, that's a nice, not overly complicated segway into the sound. My thoughts on the sound? garagband flout loop 🤑

And finally, to the most hyped of them all, well, maybe 2nd most hyped? Depends on how hyped you think Turhi was. Jigan-tick is peak! My 2nd favorite, mostly because of it's design. Now, the design, it is quite literally, a Funke Monke, and yes, I am shameless enough to reuse my joke. The design is awesome! The community really had the best ideas when choosing it's features. Well, at least if your perception of "having the best idas" is choosing the first option on every poll. I'm still butthurt over the Tiki choice not winning. Woulda been PERFECT!! Well, at least it turned out good. And let's not forget about the more minor addition. Not the child kind, but likem actually minor. It's da Smol Funke Monke!!!1 I love companion monsters, so this was a nice addition. And I also have an unhealthy relationship with Shrooms. I love shrooms. Shrooms love me. And this monster was really the most Humongous Fungus that I've ever seen. Not really, though, I just needed an excuse to make that joke. Now, onto the sound! It is a funky drum, that is funky. It adds to the song, and thats about all I can say. I'm not big on percussion monsters, except for Sporerow my beloved, but still, this is a W!

And now, to my ranking, from least favorite to favorite! Let's go!! Whatever takes to elongate this comment, at least.

5th place, we have Akaiyo.

Didn't like this one all too much, but it was a decent surprise.

4th place, Turhi.

Nice introduction, but the others are just better.

3rd place, Reewynd.

Used to be my favorite, buuuut, Retubble and Jigan-Tick decided to show up.

2nd place, Jigan-Tick.

The hype was certainly justified.

And for 1st place, my absolute favorite out of the five,
I just love this guy!!

Thank you for reading, this was completely unnecessary but I still did it! :)
Nova did an amazing job with these, and I just wanted to go in detail about my opinions.
Bye, reader!!

PS: Check out my fanart at the end! Like, the VERY end!!


Tune in for the final wave of this New Wublin series!


oh wow, this journey ended so fast, and i adore how you added a new verse! the new monster adds a nice beat to it! i love it, this was a blessing to hear, love how you added a trailer to it too! you really outdid this!


Honestly this is the official version of Wublin Island for me now. This is just the version I'm going to listen to. I've _never_ said that for fanmade additions to already existing islands, but there's a first time for everything.


As a time traveller, i can confirm there will be a new wublin


I love these additions so much. They mamage to be original and clever while still feeling like Wublins, and they add so much to the song without feeling like they clutter it up too much. My personal favourite is Reewynd, but all of them are phenomenal in their own way.


i love the new verse, all i wish was that there was more of a transition between it, feels very sudden imo


I did not expect that there's a new verse!, nova never fails at making these design, i just love it so much


Theme: Funky / Retro
Colour Scheme: Cool Colours
Excluding Features: Eyes
Including Features: Spikes
Conpanion: Yes

Can't wait to see his design tomorrow!


It was so awesome to watch this project from start to finish, and even help a little bit by giving my thoughts. Another Nova / MSM classic, can't wait to see what's in store !!!


Oh my God, what a cool and atmospheric trailer turned out for this new vublin. And he looks very cool himself. In addition, I liked the design itself, a kind of gorilla with glasses and a small forelock on the back. And he sings just great, the best song I've ever heard.


Wow, these Newblins were amazing, especially Turhi and Reewind! Great job Nova!


This whole thing is really refreshing from all the old wublins and i really wish these would be realeased but still amazing work and Keep the good work man


Aw man! This is the final wave? I loved this series most of all the Nova fanmade series, I will be sad to see this amazing work of art and beauty leave.



each monster makes the song better and better! And i thought it was perfect before any additional monsters got added! Great work!


i really like how the new wublin sounds with a new verse!!

sadly it doesn't beat my favorite one akaiyo
also heres my ranking:
1. Akaiyo
2. retubble
3. Jigan-Tick
4. reewynd
5. Turhi (Sorry)


What an awesome series come to an end with the last monster being one the coolest to come out of this series, even a new verse!


probably one of my favorite series ever, sad its over but the sounds are fire so im not complaining


Absolutely incredible, nova! Your work always impresses me, and that was great!

Edit: I’m doing my own new wublins and I would like to ask permission to use yours. I will be posting it online and I will give any credit due. It would be an honor


one of, if not the best set of fanmade monsters onto an existing island I’ve ever seen
