Flying to Oshkosh to BUY A SONEX???

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I flew up to Oshkosh today (where Sonex aircraft is based) to look at a nice two seat Sonex with a Jabiru engine. Let me know what you think!
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@4:04 Looks like that RV-6 also has a crack in the Stab spar.


Are you based at 82IS? We are based out of C77 and have a Sonex Waiex with the Aerovee. It's a great airplane but very minimalist. With 80HP, it is low performance, but the performance you get out of 80HP is amazing. It does great positive G aerobatics! For a bigger pilot the hot setup would be the center stick, then you can fly it like a huge single place airplane if solo but still take somebody if you want. We have an A model that we built. It is tightest shoulder-to-shoulder and I am not sure the B is wider at that point.


Thank you again! I always enjoy your content! Stay safe up there.


That the A model? The newer B model has a wider cockpit


Thanks for the no ads Captain 👨‍✈️. I think a person would really need to know what their buying. I would probably want a mechanic or someone like you who is knowledgeable, when it comes to buying a plane ✈️. Always interesting as usual! 👍🏻


I’m 6’7” and I’d have to wear the Sonex if I ever tried to get in one. I really appreciate the “no-ad” videos; thanks!


Bessie's! I love going up there on Sundays.


A sonex "B" model with a UL POWER engine would fit the bill. There is lots of help from the EAA and a local chapter near your home. Come join us, we can help!


4:24 Holy Smokes! To think that I rejected the work I did on my wing spar because I had a a sliver of a doubt there was a full 2 hole diameters edge margin on one of my rows of rivets. And that wasn’t even into sheet metal!


I missed this one! I hate YouTube's notifications - I miss a TON of videos. Used to be great with the email alerts. Anyway, yeah those tail bolts were SCARY!! I would have to redo that on an automobile, never mind something that flies! Crazy! I was going to buy a used paramotor at first (with a new wing), but decided against that. Even though I can fix just about anything, I wanted to be flying and not fixing someone else's mistakes. Sounds like you'd need to do a FULL inspection of any kit aircraft before purchase. Nice find, though! It's good you know what to look for.

That was a strange seating arrangement in that Sonnex - I've never seen anything like that before. Like half-seats on the sides. Interesting! Nice aircraft, though. Would be fun to fly, no doubt about it, especially knowing how tough it's built. :)


Hi John: I tried to send a reply but lost it.
I think the Sonex-B might be close to what you are looking for.
It is wider and larger panel. You might consider a Corvair engine,
The Sonex that Jeremy Monnett crashed had a 100hp Aero Vee Engine they say.
but I'm sure there are many Sonex planes with that engine with no problems.
Since you, Maddie and Quinn have many hours in the Cub and Ercoupe
you might look at RANS-S7, Alon-2, Taylorcraft B-12-D, Cessna 140A or Pietenpol????
Always enjoy you videos. Regards to all the family. Texas Bill


Seeing your own 182! that's funny John! The Sonex cockpit was built with the DC3 in mind with more rivets than metal per sq in. I love the 182 and the Arrow. Got some good hours in a 200hp Arrow many years ago flying to the very northern tip of New Zealand from 1/4 of the way from the southern point. With only 2 islands here we can't go too far without having to island hop across the deep blue to Australia. Slightly jealous of the US in that respect. Lunch at Bessies? That's on my bucket list too after flying around lots with Kevin & Jaime at 310 Pilot. I'm kinda getting to know my way around IL and WI. Cheers, David downunder.


Did you look at a B model. Enjoyed the video.


Being a private pilot renter I've been looking at different options myself and the Sonex being the main contender. Looking forward to more great stuff on your future updates.


Hey Neighbor! I’m at Casa with a RV6A and watch all your videos. We will have to have breakfast at JVL this summer. I go there often with flying buddies.


"because I'm a dork" lol


You could sit in the middle of the Sonex and fly it like a Skid Steer!


Would you consider teaching an Army Vet to fly?


I would go with the Sonex Jet on barnstormers for 179, would be a lot more fun flying the little hair dryer around


John, no doubt you were like seeing your 182. Crazy huh? Suggestion: have you considered the carbon cubs or huskys that are prevalent on Trent Palmer's or Blancolirio channels? Now that looks like a lot of fun which you said was what the second airplane is all about. Might be something worth looking at.
