Tweaked Tedgo's Darkone 4 Theme for Foobar2000 - v1.7.3

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Password: darkone

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You can run this theme right away in portable mode. Instruction link below for full install...

Please don't publicly use any of my tweaked code or images without permission. (Most of my 'tweaked code' is crap, anyway)

Darkone V4 is a theme developed by Tedgo, for Foobar2000. So far he has released three versions. This latest is a Beta which came out in 2019. You can download it here...

-Track highlight has rounded corners option. You can enable/disable it in Panel Settings/Appearance. The rounded corners will appear on one side only. (It didn't look good on the right side)

- New font to install.
- Some color issues and a crash have been fixed.
- Rating stars have better visibility and will increase in brightness if brighter wallpaper is selected.
- Some minor color changes with DarkOne Color.
- If Playback Follows Cursor and/or Playback Queue is active, the playlists play icon will be replaced by a queue icon, with 10 seconds remaining.

Improved indication when STOP A.C. is activated.

-In the control panel I reduced the number of circular button style presets. Before there were three, now there is one. (Preset 5). Preset 2 is a new one I added, which is a variation of the first preset, with spaces.

v1.7.2.4 (If you downloaded just flush it)
- New fonts to install.
- I removed the PBO and SAC icons from the display to give it more room.
- Added a Play symbol to the segment display.
- PB. ORDER button text now shows the selected name, to make up for the lack of PBO icon.
- Optional buttons with lights and or menus are now fully 'modular'. See demo.

v1.7.1.1 (June 6)
-The larger volume knob was never done properly, so I have now 'done it properly'. I meant to fix this ages ago but I forgot about it. There is no need to update to this version unless the knob doesn't look right on your particular screen resolution.

v1.7.1 (June 3)
- Updated to latest FB2K.
- Added 10 more optional buttons on the right panel. You'll have hide the volume knob to switch to them.

v1.7.0.6 (May 28)
-JS Playlist now shows artwork cropped rather than 'squished'. The original unaltered JS Playlist had it cropped so I decided to return to this. It was originally cropped in the middle of the artwork, I have cropped it starting at the top of the artwork. This way the title is usually seen...unless the title is at very bottom. For 16x9 the artwork in View 1 has not changed. It's also the same in Views 4 and 5, when the control panel is hidden.
-Darkone Tweak now has faster performance with JS Playlist artwork disabled. Before the performance was the same, whether the artwork was shown or not.

v1.7.0.2 (May 15)
- Biography Lyrics Offset wasn't working properly in 1.7.0. When you scroll the mouse wheel while bio lyrics is displayed it will adjust the offset. In 1.7.0 the offset number wasn't displayed, so you end up getting lost. This is now fixed.
- Now Playing button will now show the highlighted track in stop mode.

v1.6.9.1 (April 27)
- Updated to latest FB2K.
- SE is much faster now (the previous SE was garbage). If you're easily entertained like me and enjoy dancing bars on artwork (IE: Spectrum), it works much better now. The Spectrum has a 1 second delay (turns on/off) when changing view panels, which I intentionally did to speed up the view switch. But otherwise the bars are much zippier now.
- New generic artwork when streaming.

v1.6.8 SE/PE (April 12)
-New JSPlaylist changes:
-Focus/Playing track will both be highlighted. (Before the playing track highlight would disappear)
-When pressing play the playing track would not show unless JSP was clicked first. (fixed)
-When stopping track after Now Play was engaged the highlighted track would disappear. (fixed)
-Highlighted track will now appear when fb2k is launched.
-Selected group header will now highlight in stop mode. (Why should play mode have all the fun?)
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