HOW TO PLAN YOUR BOOK (from scratch) 📖🤯 *ULTIMATE GUIDE* for worldbuilding characters plotting map

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+ check out their youtube channel: @campfirewriting

hi writerly friends! today im here to guide you in how to plan your book from scratch - this tutorial includes how to flesh out your novel's characters, your worlds, magic systems, plot, act structure maps and EVERYTHING you need to plan your next book. since it is coming up to the new year, you might have a new book you wanna write so - use campfire to plot and plan it! hope this tutorial helped you some!

please watch in 1060 HD🎧

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-- FAQ: ♡
how old am i? i am 18 years old ♡
what country to I live in? i live in australia ♡
what is my name? my full name is anastasia ♡
what do i study? i'm in (first year) law-school ♡
when did i start youtube? i started in late 2016 ♡
my fav book? piranesi by clarke and strange the dreamer by taylor ♡
my writing software: google docs ♡
what keyboard do i have? razer huntsman mini 60% mercury edition (red switch) - below is the link to the exact keyboard i got! ♡

-- edited with: Adobe Premier Pro.
camera: Canon G7x mark ii

-- song credit: YouTube Music, Prod. by Lukrembo,

-- tags: #campfire #writer #writing #authortube #writertube #booktube #author #bookwriting #book #novel #novel #writinganovel #bookish #bookhaul #bookreaction #writingreaction #reactingto #memes #writermemes #authormemes #writerstruggles #strugglesasawriter #authorstruggles #teenauthor #teenwriter #teenwriting #teenagewriter #writing2022#writing #writer #authortube #write2022 #writingin2022 #startanovel #howtowriteanovel #writingvlog #writertips #authortips #authoradvice #youngauthor #writeradvice #characterdevelopment #designcharacters #characterdesign #creatingcharacters #artbreeder #art #originalcharacters #drawing #3dart #3ddigitalart #creative #homevlog #homebody #tutorial #writingtutorial

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Рекомендации по теме

thanks a lot!!! this is exactly what I've been looking for so long <3


Campfire seems like such a good website and EXACTLY what I needed for word building for my new YA mermaid fantasy. Thanks so much for the great vid, Ana! 💗


I speak Portuguese and, unfortunately, there are not many channels in Brazil about these kind of thing, and your channel is so precious to me. Thank you so much.
I'm learning English by myself, so i'm sorry if i did write something wrong.


I definitely need to properly plan my next book because it's a retelling of Hades and Persephone. with a lot of metaphors and lore. I really want to get greek mythology right.


About the false & true clues one- I think it was Neil Gaiman who said that writing the 2nd draft is where you make it look like you knew what you were going to do this whole time.


So excited to watch! Hopefully am awake for the premiere (it airs at 6am where I am!!). Happy holidays and have fun for your book everyone <3


I love this. This is extremely helpful, you're my favorite authortuber. I love all your video, thank you so much. Have fun writing!


Trying out this sponsor felt a bit lacking for me, it mainly focuses on categorization and organization for already-created text and media, and also a bit specific for high fantasy and RPG-like stories. I'm sure it's helpful for newcomers and a step up from using Word without headings, but as a computer girl I have the skills to accomplish the same in Excel in a genre-specialized way.
Great video regardless🙂


This was really helpful! I on chapter four in my book! The book is called The World Will End. The first sentence currently is Shot on the floor dead, blood everywhere all I could hear was the sound of silence in the halls. I'm trying to go with a Pre-apocalypse and Romance. All of this is thanks to you! THANK YOU!!


Omg cant wait to see you live girl! 🥰❤ ty for taking your time and posting vids 🥺


aa!! thank you so much for posting this type of content, its inspiring to see and its such a great help to start writing everyone's stories. i hope you have a great christmas, thank you for this gift :o) <3!


I would absolutely love a tutorial on how to make the maps! You never fail to impress!


Yay i cant wait to plan my own novel series out too! 😊 This sounds like a fun video to watch


This was so good thanks for introducing Campfire writing it helps a lot! Merry Christmas and happy holidays!


Thank you so much for the video! :) I am working on a rewrite so not my first time writing, but it's nice to get reminders on what to organize, include and how to manage everything :)


I have an idea of this huge world, filled with characters aside from the main characters, so having a place to organize everything- aside from googles keep notes is a God send. Ty for this video


Thank you so much for this video! I'm so grateful that I stumbled upon it, cause I was about to start planning my fantasy novel and i didn't know where to start 😭😭 but this helps insanely! love it!


Great video! It really helped me further organize the OneNote I use to keep track of all my worldbuilding and drafts


As i am writing a book series this will help a lot, I’m so happy you came up from my for you page


Yayay! I’m so excited !!! Also happy Christmas Eve! I’m currently so excited for Christmas!
