Zournatzidis in Australia

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This video is a collection of clips from Australia's Synapandema in Wollongong
Zournatzidis in Australia
Dance Lesons Zournatzidis
Ποντιακά στην Αυστραλία. ..
Diogenis Night at Pontiaki Estia boys dancing Atsapat Serra 10-5-14
Τίκ Χυτόν Ίμερας (Tik Hiton Olucak)
Akrites 2019 Antipodes Performance
Chicago Dance Troup_Navy Pier_Xoros Seranitsa
Tria Ti Kotsari (Τρία τη Κότσαρι) Pontic (Pontian) Greek Folk Dances
Interview with kids
Synapantema 2012 Pontiaki Estia Performance Melbourne PART 2 [HD]
Σέρα Κοσμά Ματσούκας με Ν. Ζουρνατζίδη
Interview with Akrites Kids - Trailer 2
Νίκος Ζουρνατζίδης | Διεθνές Συνέδριο «Πτυχές του Ποντιακού Ελληνισμού: βίωμα και γνώση»...
argip - zourna
Trigona Carbonaria Hive Invasion Brisbane Australia
Antipodes 2016 - Phoenix of Dreamtime
Cleveland Dance Troupe_Chicago 2012_Xoros Trygona
Lessons on Pontian dressing
Lazos Terzas - Part 1 - Family History
Pontian Dances and Music, group from Athens Greek TV ERT
Pan-Pontian Youth Festival Montreal June 23-25 2017
Tamsara (Τάμσαρα Νικόπολης) Pontic (Pontian) Greek Folk Dances