A tale of one city: Women and the UK cost-of-living crisis • FRANCE 24 English

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Despite its historic reputation as a centre of education, power and wealth, Cambridge is the UK’s most unequal city. Like the rest of the country, many of its residents are suffering greatly from the nation's cost-of-living crisis but none more so than women and children. This as the number of food banks in the country now outnumber McDonald's outlets with a fast-growing number of working women becoming regular customers seeking donated food. In a special edition, Annette Young meets a cross-section of women whose lives have been dramatically impacted by a rapidly declining economy.

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I admit I used a foodbank, Un the North-east coastal area, and they supplied for 2 adults. I had to give my name, and was really nice to them, and thanked them in advance for thier help, because I really needed it. The food was wonderful. I thanked the lady profusely who came out with it in a shopping trolley. Then, she went back and got me frozen chicken and frozen mince - here have that as well, she said to me, you're nice lady.(wasn't supposed to give it to me)She told me, many people complain about what they are given. I was so grateful. I thought all of the stuff was a godsend, and I really made it last!


Used to have happy conversations with neighbours. Now, it’s all about cost of living, ele bill etc. Even working in full time people are still struggling. No more savings for emergency use.


Our government and mainstream media are happy to talk about anything but not the cost of living or energy prices while energy companies are making billions .


I’m Canadian & 2 years ago we visited family in the UK. Even then, before the “cost-of-living crisis”, everything there seemed to cost double and their salaries for equivalent work was so much lower. I can’t imagine living there today. It’s really sad.


It's really hard to see this as a British person, but it needs to be seen and things have got to change. It's crazy!


£5.00 for a toothpaste.
Are we all living in the same country.


20 years ago Britain had one of the strongest economies in the western world. This is what 13 years of Tory rule looks like.


Stopped watching when the woman said toothpaste costs £5. It costs 55p in Lidl. Toothbrushes are around 20p. There's no excuse to ignore your kids dental hygeine.


In 2005, I worked with a teacher who was given the job of a school store. The cost of petrol had gone up so much that parents did not have the money to get supplies for their children. Our mission was to sell supplies as cheaply as we could find them. The teacher was incredible at finding sales and deals. Even selling below average stores price. The school store made a profit that was then used by the principal to help low income students in need.

At the end of the school year we have a locker clean out day. Students from wealthier homes throw away new and slightly used items. No garbage went in the trash can at locker clean out. She and I went from hallway to hallway, floor to floor collecting school supplies, many brand new in the package. Some we sold the next year, others were put out at the beginning of the next school year for teachers to give to students without pencils/paper. When we were trashing picking with gloves, we got judgmental looks til they saw carts full of supplies. 2 yrs later they implemented a recycling program for students to donate supplies during locker clean out. It decreased the trash by about 50% and saved teachers frustration and money.


Maybe British people should learn with the french how to stand for them selfs and stop to band over for whatever British gov and big corporations tell them to do and stop just moaning about life.


My mothers family left Northampton to emigrate to Canada in 1911. I am so grateful that they did. Our family has never been wealthy by any stretch but at least we have apartments, some medical care and basic food. Shame on the UK government for putting their citizens in such an awful situation.


it is pretty depressing seeing the comment section deciding to focus on one detail about purchasing a tube of toothpaste instead of the bigger picture of what people are going through with the cost of living crisis.


The English will continue to vote conservative. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.


Living in the UK myself !!! Man the country is going in a very bad direction !!


healthy food like onions, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, water, fruit tea etc. is not expensive but it takes some cooking skills to produce tasty meals from these ingredients. Using foodbanks is totally ok. I do not know where there is a problem. The government cannot fix everything.


I found it strange in the UK that so many people don't have the space to grow food in their gardens, that it's considered a privilege to get to the top of a 2 year waitlist for an allotment in their communities!


Here in Ontario Canada you try and drop off food at a food bank and someone comes out to your car and removes all the food they won't take. Yes, you heard me right, there are types of food the food bank will not accept. Figure that out.


I wish I was mega rich like gates or musk, I could help so many people that are struggling,
I would make sure there were no uk homeless and people could feed their children .
We are being ripped off by utility companies .


I hope the Royal family is watching this... See how their subjects are living.


This government is so out of touch . They have no idea
