Too Much Trump or Not Enough Trump? Getting Coverage Just Right (w/ Brianna Keilar) | TNL Sunday

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For a special Veteran's Day weekend TNL Sunday, Tim interviews CNN's Brianna Keilar, whose husband is a Green Beret. They discuss what it's like to be in a military family, the current partisan political divides within the institution, and much more.

Plus, Brianna talks about what it's like to cover Donald Trump post-presidency and how she decides what stories about the aspiring authoritarian to cover.

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The problem is they covet him like an ex-President and a Presidential candidate and not what he is, a con man. A plain and simple con man who is kind of stupid. But the don't cover him that way. Instead they cover him like he has policy positions. It's so wrong


For every Veteran's family from a former Marine: Vietnam war hero John McCain flew fighter bombers from a bobbing, moving aircraft carrier - sometimes at night, in stormy weather, and virtually zero visibility like a 20th Century Jedi. On his last mission over North Vietnam, Russian made surface-to-air missiles disintegrated his fighter (our pilots were forbidden to take out the ground-to-air missile radar tracking and targeting stations by America’s politicians). He broke several bones on ejection, reset several days after his capture - without anesthesia - not even aspirin. The first several years were filled with torture regular as a calendar reminder. McCaine was offered early release by the North Vietnamese as a propoganda stooge. McCaine refused and came home with his fellow POWs Spring 1973. For the rest of his life McCain couldn’t lift his arms above his shoulders from repeatedly being hung from ceilings by his wrists tied behind his back for hours at a time. Yet McCaine's service and sacrifices is mocked by semi-literate cruel imbecility, deceit, Hatetriotism and Faketriotism. Doesn’t fool most voters. Still: Right is right, BS is BS, and two plus two equals four - not twenty two because an overprivileged shallow and cruel carnival barker wishes it. Fred trump bought his son Bone spurs. and donnie played golf and tennis on his “disability” ever since - my idea of a real man, LOL. Vote for Democracy and human decency in 2024. God Bless America and every veteran and family member. Semper Fi.


Too much Trump and not enough Biden achievements.


Big Tim fan. Brianna is wonderful. Great interview. Revealing. Excellent. Keep it


Great interview w/Brianna😘Happy Blessed Veterans Day👍🏼✌🏼🤟🏼❤🤍💙


Tim thanks for joining the resistance stay strong!


CNN never misses an opportunity to bash Biden. They NEVER talk about his accomplishments, just his age. Meanwhile Trump is quoting Hitler and talking about abolishing the government, but CNN doesn’t mention that.


Excellent episode! Mrs. Keilar, is a tremendous investigative journalist. 🙏🏻🇺🇸⚖️🗽


Leave it to Tim to pick the perfect person for this issue. Best journalist on CNN today 👆🏻 Agree about Jennifer Griffin


Ffs! Trump is not just momentarily confused. He’s nuts!! He is clearly not with it.


I think they might be debating the wrong question. It's not whether or not to COVER trump, nor is the question whether to present his madness filtered or unfiltered, nor whether to "fact-check" what he says. A more important question may be how to contextualize trump. When trump refers to Biden et al as "Marxists, " how many people might remark, "Oh, I didn't know Biden was a 'Marxist.' I'm not sure what that means but it doesn't sound good!" Similarly, when trump refers to "vermin invading our country, " do people think he means rats and bugs? Are they aware that he's using the exact language Hitler and the Nazis used when referring to non-Aryan human beings back in the 1930s? Who is making the voting public aware of these things?
CNN reporters may like to say "that's not our job, " but then whose job is it? Joe Biden's? Tim Miller's? Obscure Poli-Sci professors?
Someone needs to take responsibility for preventing the really bad things that could happen if everyone thinks it's someone else's job -- someone who can reach people.


Excellent way to honor Veterans day, thanks Tim and Brianna.


No one is covering Ukraine anymore. I would appreciate updates on that war as well


These people are always making excuses for Trump. WTF


The BEST interviewer we have in the media right now is John Stewart. Nobody even comes close. I've seen John Swann, I've seen Mehdi Hassan, I've seen Kara Swisher, etc. Especially when it comes to confrontational rather than expository interviews nobody, nobody, nobody can match Stewart. It's a shame he does it so rarely. A perfect example would be the two short interviews he did with Republicans, one on guns and the other on trans people. It's not just that Stewart is immaculately prepared when it comes to facts and evidence, he also has a deep understanding of the flawed logic his opponents use. Republicans love to obscure things, to use dog whistles, to say things without actually saying them. Stewart slowly drags their ideas out, lays them on the table, then pins them down and skins them while everyone is watching. Moreover, he's so meticulous and controlled that he doesn't come off as confrontational or bombastic. He comes off as authoritative while making his opponent look like an idiot. Please search up and watch those interviews. An absolute masterclass.


OMG!! This was my life and I need to thank Tim and Brianna for this conversation!! My husband passed six years ago from military related issues and even though I love my military family I see the lack of appreciation for military spouses!


I really liked Brianna. After CNN went to the trump side something happened to her. I guess she has to say what her bosses tell her to say.


I almost NEVER watch an entire interview. This one was well worth it.


As a Canadian watching USA politics we find it crazy crap. I'm surprised Tim is a Republican. He seems so progressive in his thinking & life style. I've only been watching it since 2016. Has it always been this crazy?


They should cover him as the con man he is and show his gaffs and the crazy of his rallies.
