Solving The Biggest Housing Crisis in North America

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Vancouver is maybe the biggest housing affordability disaster in North America. Fortunately, over the past year, the government of BC just decided to become the most ambitious province or state in North America on housing reform.

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It's really refreshing to see a politician challenge NIMBY's bs. I admire Ravi's political bravery and he doesn't get punished for it!


One of my favorite urbanism videos to date! Love the point from Ravi's conversation with the resident of 40 years: "Your community has already been changing during that time in terms of who can live here, even if the buildings have stayed the same."


My favorite thing about this is that it isn’t government overreach, this is simply giving rights back to the people that had been taken away.


If someone is following the regulations, their neighbours should not be allowed to interfere with their property rights to build what they want to. "Not in my back yard" is even more villainous because it becomes "Not in your back yard, either."


I’m a renter in BC and I applaud all of these new rules. At 37 it’s looking increasingly difficult to ever own a home. This will take a while to take effect but for once in years I have some hope.


This is actually deregulation. The regulation before was ONLY single family homes. They have deregulated that which I thought more conservative folks generally are in favor of right? Let the market decide. BC govt is making it easier to build different styles of housing where there is a need.


Lets make this a nationwide endeavor. These reforms have been needed for a long time


Ravi is such a leader 😭. I only wish my province Ontario could step up and copy him.


I remember listening to a podcast about people who were working on a few zoning reforms in Minneapolis/St Paul. They were working on some zoning rules that designated something like street frontage requirements and set backs.

At some point one of the person exclaims “why are we even setting inane rules like how the windows need to look, maybe we should just throw it (zoning bylaws) all away and just let people figure it out”. I thought this sentiment was the direction we needed to head toward


Love the anti-government people. REMOVING government restrictions is somehow "government over-reach"


As a young person who left BC due to unaffordability prior to the new legislation I have been following it closely and it has brought me a lot of hope. I think it is a good sign that a senior minister is willing to do an interview with a channel such as this. Great video guys!


There are no constancy in life but change. Kahlon is spot on. People need to embrace change and take part to maximize the positive effects. Not changing has a negative effect too!


Ravi Kahlon seems like an awesome guy. BC is lucky to have him


Meanwhile, in Ontario, Dougy thinks Fourplex is just TOO big.


Fuck I love Ravi so much, I honestly would leave this province without him and Eby, I have so much hope for Vancouver. Can only imagine how amazing our city will be when people can actually afford to live in it and have the time to enjoy it


This is so good to hear.
For so many years in Vancouver it was painful to hear the NIMBY politics at play blocking development. John Horgan was no ally either, when he said "we need to recognize people have equity in their homes" at a presser in response to a housing reform question I knew he would do nothing. In 10 or 15 years housing might get better in Vancouver with these changes.

After 15 years in Vancouver and 5 years trying to get into the market I moved to Edmonton and bought a house next to one of the new Valley line light rail stations, so hearing this news in Vancouver is bittersweet. I have spent most of my adult life in Vancouver, went to UBC and BCIT, and I do think it's Canada's best city by a longshot but housing cost is absolutely devastating there. The island, Kelowna, even Kamloops and Terrace are very bad also. Hopefully this government can turn things around.


BC is lucky to have such an ambitious and knowledgeable housing minister. Thanks for the quality video. I always come to this channel for high quality informative videos, with no rambling.


Like the old song goes: "something's gotta give." Good on you, BC. I hope other regions follow and improve upon your example.


I'm grateful that you all focus on the causes and solutions for urban issues, instead of blindly criticizing a city as if its problems are inherent and permanent, the way others do.


Those new rules sound wonderful! Especially the ones that keep NIMBYs from nitpicking every single project.
