Me Before You (2016) Lou Dumps Patrick For Will.

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Scene from the 2016 romantic drama Me Before You. In this scene, Lou (Emilia Clarke) comes home and finds Patrick (Matthew Lewis) has prepared a surprise romantic dinner to apologize for their argument about Lou putting looking after Will before their holiday plans. But, Patrick is disgusted with Lou when he learns Lou is going away on holiday with Will and Nathan to the island of Mauritius and accuses Lou having an affair with Will and that it's not work and Patrick realizes Lou has fallen for Will and that Lou is putting Will first before him. Lou decides to end their 7 year relationship and a hurt and heartbroken Patrick leaves. You really can't blame Patrick in this scene.
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This gonna happen when you date someone other than Luna, Neville ! 😒


He had the right to be angry but he was very selfish and self involved. Sometimes he didn’t even care about what she ever talked about. I do feel they had a hilarious relationship though! I did wish for her and Will to be together!


Whatever yall say cheating is never okay😭😭😭 if you dont love your partner anymore just say it


He loves her but clumsily.he essentially loves himself, his passions, such as sports and adventure and he has never really asked her what she loved doing, what was precious to her he seems as if he had always assumed that if she was in love with him, she would necessarilly follow him everywhere, love what he loves.Unlike Will, who really pays attention to her and choses carefully the bumblebee thights for her birthday.he shows her that she s an entire personn, not just an employee who is here to look after him.and yet i felt a little embarrassed for Patrick at the birthday evening, because i felt that he realises that he has definitely missed some major points about his girlfriend .


this comment box is full of cheaters justifying on screen cheating


If you want to leave, just leave, dont cheat on your realtionship


I feel sorry for both of them in this scene. They're both upset. Patrick doesn't have the personality to understand why what Lou is doing is important, but it's partially because he doesn't have the full picture and background. On the other side of things, Lou has become a lot more acclimatised with the world, rather her personality has changed a lot. She wants to see more than just her little bubble.


Seven years...Seven years and no marriage proposal, them just going along as is. Him being more concerned with how many miles he runs, than actually moving their relationship to what most people consider the natural progression of marriage. He cared so much about her that during those seven years it never occurred to him to at some point want to marry her. Not saying it was right for her to fall for her "client" (for lack of a better word), but she never did anything with Will till after they had broken up. And I think it's obvious why she started falling for him, unlike Patrick, who just had to make her birthday gift about HIM, literally putting his name around her neck with that necklace, Will clearly shows that he has a genuine interest in Lou, her thoughts, what she likes, her goals (or lack of) and the gift he gave shows that he listens to her and cares about making HER happy not himself. Granted Lou could've told Patrick about how he was pretty much dismissing her wants and needs, like when they went to the cinema and she suggested they see the foreign film and he scoffed and immediately killed that suggestion, asking for 2 tickets for the Will Farrell film (which is definitely more his speed). I guess it's obvious I didn't like Patrick at all, but I do think Lou could've been more forthcoming if she was dissatisfied with aspects of their relationship. Then again, I think the movie shows that she wasn't even aware of what she was missing until Will came into her life and helped her realize that there's a whole big world out there besides the little village she's never really left. So, she'd basically settled for her life as it was rather than taking risks and stepping outside her comfort zone, which Will slowly but surely gets her to do throughout the film. Even her own family didn't seem too encouraging sometimes, commenting that the sister was the "brains" of the family, as opposed to Lou who was what, an idiot? Not at all. (I really didn't like that part.) Anyway, i guess what I'm trying to say is that the situation isn't as black and white or cut and dry as some of the comment section seems to think; a lot goes into what motivates people to do the things they do. Yes, Patrick was hurt, for the moment but I'm sure he'll get over it. From what I saw it was like Lou was pretty much in the background already, now she can completely disappear, and he focus on his real love: fitness and nutrition, since that's all he ever really talks about in the film. This scene right here, how he's so concerned about Lou now, is only because he felt threatened by Will after what happened at Lou's birthday party (that reaction to the bumblebee tights, oh and Will's little bed bath comment, lol) and felt he was starting to lose her (which to be honest by this point she was long gone). Too little, too late. This really was for the best, seems like they were both wasting each other's time, seven years' worth. Seven years just spinning their wheels and getting nowhere, seven years they can't get back. Thank goodness they're just characters in film and also a book but for a lot of people this is their lives. Like the movie says live boldly. Sometimes change comes at the worst times and in the worst ways but that doesn't mean it isn't leading you to something better in the end. (Sorry for my comment being so long.)


Its not a man's responsibility to make a woman happy. Its a individual responsibility to make ourselves happy.


True story: I was at a comic convention a few years back where Matthew Lewis was a guest. At his panel, I asked him if he preferred Luna or Daenerys. The entire room catcalled him.


If this same act was done by a man leaving his woman whose being together for 7 years. The man would be called as a cheater, playboy and bad guy
But when a woman does the same act . We always blame the man saying That man couldn't keep her happy mentally and physically.


How could anyone dump Neville Longbottom?


Louisa never loved this thoughtless jerk in the first place. Which is why she fell in love with Will, so truly, so completely, and so very fast. She was stuck in a rut for years. And one of the biggest aspects of this, was her dead end relationship with this guy.


she should've just ended the relationship as soon as she felt smthing with wil, poor Patrick lou belongs to the streets


In the book Patrick does something unjust after the break up. He reveals Will’s predicament to the journalists and Louisa’s involvement. In doing so Louisa and her family become prisoners in their own home when journalists descend on the Clarke’s house, constantly knocking on the door and ringing their phone. Thus ruining the family’s life’s and becoming the gossip of the town.


Patrick loved how easy she was to be with nit her herself, she never really loved him


love don't matter money matters ... dats what i got from this movie


I feel bad for Patrick, he was at first interested in her from taking her to the cinema to suggesting a trip to Norway with her, but Patrick's feeling of being far away from him made him sad in addition to that scene and Will's mother listened to his happiness and giving him medicine but not kissing and so on. Patrick is the perfect person and has become selfish in the movie because of that and he was already doing everything in his power to make her happy but she moved away from him even more considering that it's just a job that will be finished in 6 months Patrick is a really great person and I don't know why everyone hates him frankly


Lou: "Honey, I'm sorry, but he's Finnick from Hunger Games, and... you're just Neville Longbottom from Harry Potter. You can see which consecutive horse I should back."


What break up ever goes that easy? Lol
