A First Look at Subtractive Synthesis // Synthstrom Deluge Tutorial

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Intro 0:00
Shortcuts and modulation 0:26
Initializing a Synth 1:35
Tranposing OSC Pitch 1:51
Osc Type 2:12
Sample Waveform OSC 2:25
Pulse Width 3:45
ADSR 3:57
Gold Knob Controllers 5:00
Assigning Cutoff to ENV2 5:29
Assigning Pitch to LFO1 6:47
Modifying LFO1 7:25
Adding OSC2 8:29
Arpeggiator 9:30
Portamento (Note Glide) 10:50
Unison Mode 11:38
Shortcuts and modulation 0:26
Initializing a Synth 1:35
Tranposing OSC Pitch 1:51
Osc Type 2:12
Sample Waveform OSC 2:25
Pulse Width 3:45
ADSR 3:57
Gold Knob Controllers 5:00
Assigning Cutoff to ENV2 5:29
Assigning Pitch to LFO1 6:47
Modifying LFO1 7:25
Adding OSC2 8:29
Arpeggiator 9:30
Portamento (Note Glide) 10:50
Unison Mode 11:38
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