Are You Going To Heaven? These 'Christians' Won't... | Ono Reacts @mapalo

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In this video, we examine a passage cited by Mapalo which is commonly misinterpreted and misunderstood. Does Matthew 7:21-23 support Mapalo's claims? I pray this video provides clarity and dispels any confusion concerning this subject. God bless! - OD

#salvation #bible #christianity
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Doing the will of the Father is believing in the Son.


If anyone ever doubts, know God wants you more in heaven than you want to be in heaven


Believe me if you are keeping sinning as a believer you will not be happy but if you’re keeping obey the word of the lord Jesus Christ you will always happy.


I hope this is just a phase for him. I went through a legalistic phase and also believed in a works based salvation. He’s young so I really hope he realizes what the gospel is actually about and doesn’t turn out to be like the people he looks up to. Thank you for making this video!


I understand that some people are upset because of @mapalo. We should beware of false prophets but they are still people. He is still a person Jesus has died for, so we should love him. I may be wrong, but I think people in the comments are slightly aggressive toward him. Even if he offended you and made you question your salvation I think we should take a more gentle approach instead of calling him a fraud and evil. God bless y'all.


Bro, it's Christ that changes us not us changing ourselves John 6:29 says the only work he requires of us is to believe on the one he has sent! Jesus is going to change us he does right when we gave outlives to christ and he will continue to because he is faithful to finish the work he started in us! Those that have given there life to Christ now don't want to have anything to do with sin instead we wanna live right but we need to let the grace of God change who we are! Grace brings transformation in our lives!!!


Acts 16:31
And the thief on the cross can sum up a lot.


I notice myself slowly getting bugged by things that didn't bug me before, however no one is without sin Even the saved, I believe salvation is a GIFT of GOD not of works LEST anyone should BOAST!! Once saved always saved ❤️ and ✝️🛐 s


Romans 11:6 And if by grace, then it cannot be based on works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace.


Bless you, man!! Your channel has definitely helped me and given me peace when I've had some tuff days and been confused on some topics!


it’s a relationship if you love him you do what he asks


Good job exposing this fraud onorato, mapalo calls his followers “menaces” I think that says enough about what God he serves


To believe in Jesus means you are fully persuaded to your core so much that you cling to his word and know in your heart of hearts that he is real and that he is The Lord and his every word is true.


John 6:28-29

28 ¶ Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?
29 ¶ Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.


Romans 3:27

“Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith.”

King James Version (KJV)


I'm glad that I found another channel that preaches Biblical truth.


It makes me so weary seeing all of these legalist "bible teachers" with zeal that isn't in accordance with knowledge.

Keep up the good work Ono, God bless you. And God bless all of you who still believe the grace of Christ is sufficient.


Ty brother, I truly needed this! So many ''gatekeeper'' Christians preaching ''you shalt not enter unless you do this and this and this'' ughhh they are EVIL! They make people doubt their salvation! Righteousness is added to us by our belief, as God stated about Abraham in Gen 15:6 ''And he believed in the Lord; and he counted it to him for righteousness.''


It’s sad how people who try to refute Once Saved Always Saved cannot seem to grasp the concept of being a “new creation in Christ” once saved. They seem to completely miss that a supernatural transformation happens upon salvation and the active working of the Holy Spirit in those who believe and call upon Jesus for salvation. They don’t understand basic concepts of both justification and sanctification. These things happen upon belief ! The Bible is very clear. Sad how they can miss so much scripture that is plain as day on these foundational salvific concepts AND INSTEAD rely on THEIR observations of people around them “not acting right” or “not acting saved enough” after a profession of Faith. The Bible says that Man looks outwardly, and that God looks on the heart.

They cannot know who is truly saved and who is not saved at all. But they go on and on, bothered and worried about this.. building a doctrine NOT on the WORD but on their subjective experience; throwing in some misunderstood and out of context scripture snippets to back them up.

Truly sad error and poor understanding.


Thank onorato for the simplicity of the Gospel,
By believing and putting our complete faith in JESUS CHRIST 🙏
Praise GOD in JESUS Name! ❤
" It is finished!"
And bowing his head,
He gave up his spirit.
( John 19:30)
