Gold Particle Background

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Permission to use this background please? Thank you


Hi, may I have permission to use this video? Will give credit. Thanks


Sir kese krte hai aap ye Hume v sikhaiye


Permission to use this video for school requirements for intro animation


اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد الحبيب سيدنا محمد عليه افضل الصلاة و السلام و اله و صحبه اجمعين الله اكبر 🤲♥️...


I complatly forgot but my mom said it was called Tl'or if I do remember correctly.

Or means gold in French but I cannot find it on the internet so you'll have to live without it, sorry 😉

She's coming to see me in 4 days and she's going to apply this shit on my face. Don't be jealous.

In fact no. I don't want that shit on my face.
Hate these kind of stuff. Everytime I put these on my face or just skin cleansing products, I end up with buttons.

I used to wear bb cream in high school for.. I don't know what reasons actually, but never had a single button on my face. My friends were so jealous of me as it should. 😘
Never cleaned my face with any products. water only.

I don't like makeup.
I'm a boyish gay 😅
If I were a girl, it would have been the same.
Yet, I have a strong feminin part. My whole being is a duality thing which is quit hard sometimes to deal with.
I walk on tiptoe since the day I was able to walk. Like girls, when they're so used to walk with heels, they keep walking this way without heels. That's the same for me but I've never worn any. (only when I'm inside, and without any shoes on. I walk normally outside.)
Like if there was two energies, two different lights constantly fighting with each other. I love horror yet I hate it, and so on.

But when I wore this shit for one year I understood the power of makeup. Like, before I wore any, people used to find me attractive but you know, normal. Then when I applied that shit for the first time, I remember when I stepped outside my school on the square, there are always a tone of people there, everyone was looking at me. Girls boys, gays straight bi. Whatever. They were hypnotized. I remember I took the subway and on the other side on the dock, there was about ten people and a guy sat with her girlfriend on her laps. I was on my phone, when I when I raised my head to see, cause I felt I was being watched. They were all looking at me with their mouth wild open almost. And they all looked opposite directions real quick at the same time 😂😂 a cartoon. And I was ONLY wearing that stupid thing. Imagine me as a girl with lipstick and shit. Seizures.

There was this guy léo, who was so jealous of me. That guy was such a little b* criticizing everyone on their physics, especially girls. He was in '' couple '' with Mélanie and he said something to her about me like '' tell your friend he's got to stop wearing that ''

B* she saw, him like 6 months ago in a store. He was with her mom and apparently, he has a bald spot. 😂😂😂😂
When he saw Mel, he started to move away because he was, ashamed I guess, and her mom was like '' come back here, what are you doing. LEO. Come back here. '' you know when moms are being annoying in the worst moments, when you're in a humiliation situation. Apparently he was without expressions 😂😂😂😂😂😂 when he walked away, remaining silent, while her mom was calling him.
B* I can't.

So anyway, last year of high school, I stopped wearing this because lazy, u guys know me too well now. And nothing changed 😂


Permission to use video for BT50 Facelift startup Animation


is it copyright free?
i love it
