SACRED UNION - both of you want this FRESH start, it’s happening when you least suspect it ⚡️ ⚡️⚡️

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🔥❤️🔥 WELCOME DIVINE FEMININE AND DIVINE MASCULINE For in-depth “Twin Flame” or “Spiritual gifts & development” readings please connect here:

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It is my whole heart’s passion to bring these readings to you, and I would adore the opportunity to assist in your personal journey! I work with Divine Feminines and Divine Masculines individually or as couples. If you’d like to schedule an in-depth session with me please reach out for bookings through my this link:

Decks used:

The Witches Tarot
The Sirian Starseed Tarot
The Sacred Destiny Oracle
Starseed Oracle
The Light Seers Tarot
Sacred Geometry Activations Oracle
Ethereal Visions Tarot
The Hermetic Tarot
Tarot of the Divine
The After Tarot
The Spirit Animal Oracle
The Modern Witch Tarot
The Wild Unknown’s Archetypes
The Good Tarot
Kawaii Tarot
The Naked Heart Tarot
Tarot Gold & Black Edition
Golden Art Nouveau Tarot
The Star Tarot
The Elemental Oracle
Mystical Shaman Oracle
Mirroring Messages of Union
Tarot For Kids
A.E.Waite Tarot
The Intuitive Night Goddess Tarot
Tarot de la Nuit
Moonology messages oracle
Knight Waite Tarot


I offer daily tarot reading, spiritual growth, Twin flame/ twin soul/Divine love connection readings and personal development sessions. My services are for entertainment purposes, and your discretion is assumed regarding any and all messages shared. You alone are accountable for your karma and actions , may you be blessed eternally in profound love and abundance!

Real, big love!
Рекомендации по теме

I’m open to crystal mining! Can you tell us more about what that looks like? 💚


Thank you Meredith you are very gifted & appreciated for your guidance 🙏I appreciate so very much!
Peace, love & light 💕🌸💕
I know he loves me by the way he looked at me. We have known eachother since 2nd grade & reconnected in July after 33 years & it was incredible but I could tell he wasn’t ready, he’s never been married or had kids unlike me but I’ve been single for 8 years. I’ve had time to heal & level up lol 😂❤


Not only have I been enjoying the presence of the thoughts of my DM by just inviting the thought to be present, but I have been having lots of dreams of him as well.


20k here we come ! ❤ like share subscribe y'all 🙏✨️


Hola, Meredith. I have not listened yet but I'm sure I'll find the guidance that I need.


MUCH NEEDED. We are so ready for a fresh start.


So beautiful 🥹darling I see a rainbow 🌈 on your wall behind you I have so many to share I receive on my bedroom floors walls my clothes so many it’s so extraordinary and the protection the love the magic in the air is beyond my heart chakra is fully opened 🥹it’s been the most overwhelming heartbreaking extraordinary week I think you know the feeling after this last cycle there’s so much happiness coming dear friend 🥹🥹🤍🤍🤍I’ll share my beautiful blessings I receive daily life has never looked so beautiful love you soul sister many blessings 🙏💫🌈🌈🌈🌈


Another fabulous reading!! 💖💖💖
Grateful, thanks Meredith!! ❤


Pretty rainbow on the wall bottom left starting around minute 26... 🌈


Resonates as always ✨ most in tune reader 🙏 thank you many blessings 🌞


We have a one-year-old, I am nine years older, and his family does not like me all of those aspects


I love your chakra/spine of fire readings soooo much, Mere. Thank you for them and all the energy that they must take to deliver. You’re a pro, but still. Always grateful, soul sister. ✨


My DM and I have children together and I have a child with a karmic. My karmic and DM know about that to. My DM has mentioned about having children. I'm willing to do what it takes ( in an unconditional loving way) to make things work with my DM. My karmic is supporting me to move forward with my TF. Whatever happens I'm always here for my TF. 😊


Starlove if you're cross watching this or reading my words, please understand you will never run out of time with me. Unless there's something I don't know beyond my knowledge, like death sickness, but other than that, I will always give you a chance for physical union. If you show up today, tomorrow, next week, next month, years from now, even the next lifetime, you will always have a chance with me, always. ❤


Sorry for so many comments Meredith. This is really resonating. I feel 100% fine with my DM and I anyways. But I will always put myself first. And I do not need my DM to rescue me, or be with me physically to be happy. Because I have to remain positive and happy regardless if he's physically with me or not for my own soul evolution. But I do understand my DM does have a lot of things going on in his life, and he always supports me distantly and energetically and emotionally and of course romantically too. So I'm not worried. I figured Divine timing happens when it happens. Not saying I don't have bad days where I really miss him. I would rather be in physical reunion with him, then be without physical Union with him. But I know we will always be connected on a spiritual level. 😊


the biggest hurdle is not that we are same sex on the physical plane (on the energetic plane that is not the case...) but that our love is divine--and ultimately me feeling worthy of it. It is not a karmic love nor is it a soul mate love--it is far rarer still---we are twin flames.


My vivid dreams, by Donna P.
The first time you were in my dreams so vividly. I couldn't resist the passion in me, the heart so complete, I look toward heaven above and all I could see was your love. A love so divine created in another time. So surreal, it was hard to imagine it was real. Your guidance protection and love, sent to me from above.

You're higher self, always there protecting me through the air. I feel your energy everywhere. It never leaves me, it's always there. i look at the trees all I see is thee. You flow through me like a river into the sea, shaping me into my divinity, the feminine you deserve to nurture your mind and open your heart from within. You're soul back to the divine masculine. The one who was with her since the beginning of creation when our flame was divided into space and time. Living in duality has been hell to survive. Searching through dimensions through every timelime to reunite our souls one last time.

To be one again back in heaven. To take our place as the original creation, Adam and Eve merged together as one. No longer in separation. No longer searching for love. Back to our garden, where all is provided from above where we no longer fear, or feel abandoned or rejected, where we converge with God, our source our creator. Back where we belong together forever with grace and compassion for each other.

Words written by
Ms. D
Donna P.


Meredithia! you're a rockstar. One of my top favorite readers xoxo thank you for all the clarity and peace you've given me over the years


You could of stopped at 7:08 that was a Whole WoRd!! Thank you ~Love You !💎 💫❤️💫🩷💎


Incredible Meredith! You truly are tapped in. Thank you 💜
