A Brief History of Hazing (Part Two) | A Short Documentary | Fascinating Horror

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"On the 12th of November, 1974, a group of students at Monmouth College in New Jersey left their fraternity house and walked to a nearby beach..."

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00:00 - The Case of William Flowers
04:49 - The Case of Kenny Luong
08:30 - The Case of Matthew Carrington

► "Glass Pond" by Public Memory


​​​​​​​#Documentary​​​​ #History​​​​​​​​​ #TrueStories​
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I can maybe understand not realizing the dangers of drinking too much water in a short period of time, but waiting an hour to call an ambulance after someone suffers a seizure is not exactly "an accident"


If your friends want to torture you as a requirement to be friends. It's not worth it, and they should probably be on a watch list somewhere.


Timothy Piazza, who died during hazing at the Beta Theta Pi fraternity at Penn State in 2017. He was forced to drink lots of alcohol, then fell down stairs, and despite the fraternity members being clearly aware that he was seriously injured, they did not call EMS. Instead, they left him on a couch, all by himself, for more than 12 hours. Eventually, Timothy died from a ruptured pancreas. His live could have been saved if he had been brought to a hospital.
Lawsuits were filed, but eventually Penn State and the fraternity wiggled their way out of harsh consequences.
Hazing is horrible, many young and promising lives lost over puberty power glory and madness.


There were seven pledging deaths in 2019 alone. At one time I thought fraternities were moving away from hazing, but not anymore.


I joined a fraternity during rush week, and afterwards the Wednesday nights "on the line" began. All manner of psychological terror and manipulation began, including instance of gross things, like this unknown "stew" poured over us (and we cleaned it all up). Other days of the week, there was indiscriminate bullying, meant to throw you off your game. Imagine trying to study throughout this! I took six weeks of this, but with six weeks left to the semester, I broke and reported the abuse. The frat shut down for a few years -- I don't know how long -- but it's back now. Still, I did what I deeply felt I had to do. And I saved my semester.


I wanted to join a sorority but I immediately left the room when they wanted to us to do rituals, or hazing activities. Such as going around the university naked and stuff like that, I was like nope. The next day one of the leaders got arrested for putting one of the newbies in the hospital.

I’m so glad I didn’t stick around it could’ve been so much worse. I’m sorry to the families that happened to their loved ones. 😢🕊️


In Portugal, in recent memory, at least two different hazing situations killed half a dozen people at the same time. One had people being buried under a collapsed wall and on the other, being dragged by waves and drown, because they were tied up to each other by the sea shore. These activities should be outlawed for good. I absolutely said no when I went to the university and suffered threats and harassmenf for it, but at least I didn't die.


I have never understood why hazing activities have to be so brutal. Why not make the pledges endure nine weeks of volunteering at a local food pantry or helping veterans mow their lawns? I know it sounds like trivial work, but having to give up multiple weekends to help someone else is NOT a trivial sacrifice for someone that young, and it would help someone as well.


I never had a chance to meet my uncle Gerald, as he was killed in a hazing decades before I was born. The way my father told me, he was pledging for Sigma Pi's UC Berkeley chapter. Him and at least two others had sacks put over their heads before they were dumped on a country road with the task to find their way back to campus. Either before they could get the sacks off or while they were finding their way back, a truck passing over a hill couldn't see them and struck them, killing my uncle. My grandmother dreaded the year my father spent at Berkeley because of what happened. My sister and I have looked into some other hazing deaths (she showed me this video in fact) and we agree that it was a small mercy that Gerald's death wasn't one of the more brutal hazings that have murdered people.


Putting 18-20 year olds in charge of the lives of others is so incredibly dangerous. They almost never have the experience or knowledge to appreciate that people could very well die. Authorized college events--like football games--often have EMTs right next to the field, and that's for a very good reason.


Hazing is one of the lowest forms of human activity. It's sadism.


I am so glad that the main Greek organization on my college’s campus kicked me out of recruitment for missing a detail on an outfit we were supposed to wear during rush week. Because of that I saved a TON of money, avoided a lot of drama, and ended up joining a service sorority in the independent-level Greek organization where I met people I do still call sister today.

You don’t have to torture people to bond with them. Turns out you can just… do meaningful stuff together. Crazy, I know.


The first and last case reminds me of Sanda Dia, a Belgian student who of a hazing ritual. He was 20.
Dia was obliged to drink fish oil, and alcoholic drinks and stand outdoors in freezing water, amongst being subject to other humiliating and degrading acts. After collapsing, he was driven to hospital where he died of multiple organ failure two days later. His death was attributed to the salt content in the fish oil he ingested.

Four years later (!!!) the accused, all ‘upperclass’ sons of lawyers, magistrates, and judges, were fined €400 each and sentenced to 200 or 300 hours of community service by the Antwerp Court of Appeal. This means their criminal record stays empty. And obviously, they stay anonymous.

A Belgian YouTuber called Acid put their names online and was also persecuted although this went quicker. He received a three-month suspended prison sentence and a €800 fine for the crime. This will be noted on his criminal record.

This caused many to believe Belgium has a class-based justice. Being “unwillingly” responsible for the death of somebody is a much lighter crime than giving these people a name and thus attacking their privacy!


Reminds me of the old saying “with friends like these, who needs enemies?”


My frat just did silly stuff like painting a giant chess board, having us dress up as chess pieces, then using us to play a game.


In my country, we have many cases of law school hazing. In one case, frat men from one of the top ranking law schools in the country had beaten a neophyte so badly that he ended up having a heart attack and died. The men who were found to have been liable for the death of a neophyte ended up going on to become lawyers despite the criminal case.


I'm a CPP graduate and this is my first time ever hearing the Case of Kenny Luong. Hazing is something that should not be a requirement of college Greek life. Brotherhood and sisterhood on campuses should only be proven by students having each other's backs rather than having to prove loyalty in deadly stunts.


I never understood Greek Life in College - I wasn’t gonna pay $500+ a month to be beat up and (possibly) killed, over the idea of ‘brotherhood’


This is a huge problem in many countries and are underestimated in many case (at least in France). Good for you to bring awareness on this human stupid brutality.


I finished my degree several years before Kenny Luong, but I attended Cal Poly Pomona. And stories like these make me feel better about not pledging a fraternity.
