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So ive been building Tamiya Rc trucks for years but never have I really needed to solder... Ive never been one to put loads of lights and electronics into my rc trucks due to using them in all places in any condition and electrics and wet weather dont mix, however when i do add lights etc I just use pre wired and end up with a mass of wiring thats just not needed, so I thought id buy myself a cheap solder kit off ebay and get practising then I can wire my lights in series, however theres now a dam formula to learn but Ill get there with it all and eventually ill be reducing my wires for a more neat and tidy finish of my trucks, anyways enjoy the video as this idiot at work attempts to do rocket science.

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RC TRUCKIN' UK scotty555babe

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#scotty555babe #soldering #idiotsatwork
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Scotty.... we weren't born soldering experts. I was RUBBISH 35 years ago! 😂 Just keep at it. Really, the best way to get any good at it, is to do it, waste some wire and solder. Getting buried in technical stuff will just hold you back!
You're starting the right way, mate!


Keep practice my friend, you will make it



i don't use flux but i first put some solder on each wire and then join em and you have to wet that piece of cheese 😅


Take this with a pinch of salt as i'm exactly the same as you with regards working out ohms law and everything, only did the very very basics to try and get a build complete. Anyway, that said, try and get one of the brass scouring pad looking things and some tip tinner for cleaning your soldering iron tip. I have heard a wet sponge can cause thermal issues? Also, before you try soldering wires together, take one wire, put flux on it and melt solder onto the wire...this is called tinning the wires. Also try wrapping wires together then apply flux to the join, then using a wedge type soldering tip to get more heat mass (maybe try 380-400 temp) and put the soldering tip underneath the join and press upwards so you have good contact to the wires. Let the wires heat up, will take a second or two is all and then, from the top of the wire press the solder down and the heat should melt the solder and spread it through the strands...remove soldering iron tip and allow to cool


I'm with you on that, it blows my mind!
Send to Dave!


Yes good video l am the same its looks easy but can be hard flux is an helpful tool l like your style of presentation 😊😊😊😊😊


Twist the wires so they stay togheter, then you put your soldering iron under the wire and apply the solder on the wire. You may need to melt a littel solder on the iron and wire to make it hot. Then the solder should melt on the wire, not the iron, and the wire will suck the molten solder right up. To help the solder spread out you can move the iron on the wire and add solder.


I got to be honest, I struggle to get 2 wires to stick, I found having the soldering iron under the wire and the solder on top, it seems to pull the solder through. All i can say is, stick with it 😂😂


Scotty, it seems the iron has no tip and you should add one from the little bag. You will ruin your iron if you don"t do so. the iron tip goes blue and it's normal but the tip you put on will stay silver Like I read, twist wires and add soldering tin on each individual wire, then put the 2 wire together and heat them to melt soldering tin together without adding more tin. I know how to solder but I still struggle to do it neat and clear. The pump is used to unsolder. heat to melt soldering and use pump to suck it while it is liquid. Keep practicing, it's a hard thing to master


I've been trying to get the soldering thing right for years... still rubbish, but can get it done about 50% of the time.. LoL 😆 🎉


The icin thing m jig is for suckin solder off the flux’s better is like the Vaseline n dip wires in put solder on solder gun and add to the wires with gun at same time loads practice bro 😂😂😂😂😂🤪🤪🤪🤪


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