Spring boot with Swagger and OpenAPI for REST APIs

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#spring #springboot #springboottutorial #springwithswagger #swagger-ui #openapi

This video provides the information on the drawbacks of using a Rest API application without a frontend in a browser. Using Postman application as an alternative and its limitations. And then using the swagger to test the Rest APIs. Later it covers some of the swagger properties that can be configured based on the project requirement.

0:00 Creating spring-boot app
1:19 Code explanation
5:45 Rest API using browser
6:35 Rest API using Postman app
9:08 Spring with swagger config
13:13 Custom swagger ui URI
14:32 Custom open api URI
17:45 Enable disable the access to URIs
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If you are using spring-boot 3 then use the below dependency instead of the one specified in the video

