[BQ #7] LIVE!! Shiny Vulpix in SoulSilver after 3841 REs

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Happy Holidays everyone!

This Vulpix appeared pretty fast after less than half odds. She's the 7th member of this SoulSilver Badge Quest. After finding Vulpix, this game droughted very, very hard for the first time going over 40,000 for Badge Quest member #8. I did finally find it though so that video will be uploaded shortly!

Hope everyone's doing well nd is having a good Holiday season. Brance and I just got back from visiting my family in Canada.
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I used to watch your guys videos all the time when hunting back in high school and I just checked back after getting some sparkles in scarlet and violet. Nice to see you guys are still on. Happy hunting!


Awesome luck, been watching your videos alot. Congrats 🎉


So awesome to see another vid of yours friend! Congrats!!!! 🎉


Been binge watching vids and love the owl house in the background 😌


Congrats! Speaking of Vulpix and Magmar, I finished my shiny Magmar evolution line today! Looking forward to seeing what shiny you find next! ✨

Also, pretty much ALL of the shiny fire types in the Gen 4 games are amazing!

Another thing to mention, you could do a great encounter rate for Tauros with female Cute Charm lead in this area. It will make it go from 21% up to 44.37%. Everything else will be 3x less likely to be shiny per encounter, but every Tauros will remain at normal shiny odds because of it always being male. CC ability doesn't mess up the shiny odds for 100% male/female or genderless Pokémon. For some weird reason, male CC lead doesn't make 100% female encounters more likely. How very Oddish.


Congratulations on the beautiful fox 😊


Hunting while looking at your vid. Contrats ! Hoping I won't fail it because of it's damn growl if I find it and not something else. I've got a parasect with spore but nothing else because i've only beaten goldenrod gym up to this point and want it or nidoran to continue my adventure 😭


Hey cool to see the shiny hunting flame is still lit for some people! Also, you moved away from Canada? :o
