Why I Stopped Vlogging & Honest Life Update

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Today I'm getting real to share why vlogs have more recently stopped, and give a life update of how things are going.

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Marissa Lyda
P.O. Box 1183
Wilsonville, OR 97070
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While you don't owe anyone an explanation as to why you're not showing Peter as often or why you and your husband decided to send him to daycare, I think there will be many benefits regarding both for your family. I adored your vlogs, but am happy to know that you're doing what you feel is best for your family. Privacy matters, and everyone deserves it (especially our kids). So great to hear he loves daycare!
I'm also sorry to hear about your Christmas - glad to hear your family member is okay and is expected to recover fully! I'm also sorry you've been struggling internally - just know you are in fact, an incredible mom and are doing an amazing job!


Girl, y’all need to move. Dream of what would make y’all happy and go for it. We live 1000 miles away from all our family for my husbands ministry. It is hard but plane tickets aren’t that expensive and you build new community. We have so many older couples at our church invested in our kids and helping us.

Also, all of us feel like we are struggling as a mom sometimes. So much to be grateful for but so much hardness can coexist.


You definitely don’t have to apologize for getting emotional about all the things you’re feeling. Even if there’s no one catastrophic thing happening, the mental pressure of the way Covid has affected every day lives is real. Especially since we’re two years into it now. I am planning a wedding during Covid which comes with its own crazy stressors. Everything is just hard right now, and I get it. Your feelings are totally valid. Sending love and hugs.


While I don’t have a kid, I do live somewhere that is miserably cold and has rising Covid numbers. Don’t let other social media highlight reels get you down. You know what is best for you and your family.


I currently work in a daycare, and honestly, I think it is a great choice to have your child in daycare a few days a week! Besides giving mom and dad time to do things in the week, daycare is an amazing place to learn social skills and prepare for kindergarten and beyond. It also can really help your kids learn better behaviors at home if that is ever an issue. I honestly think that even if you don’t need to have your kids in daycare, everyone should do it at least one or two days a week, it helps kids developmentally so much.


You are such an amazing mama, wife, daughter, friend, and sister Marissa! Sending you so many hugs. You are not alone. We all relate to everything you are saying. You are Known and Chosen! <3


I feel all of this!❤️
We started using daycare this past fall for our May 2020 baby. As a sahm, I felt crazy for even pondering the idea, but it has been the BEST decision for our family! 2020 made it so hard to become a mom for the first time. I grieve a lot about all the things we had to miss out on because of the pandemic!! Our daughter is doing amazing in daycare though and she gets excited to see her friends. I'm so happy to see her be social and nothing makes me happier than watching her thrive! Plus, the breaks have totally improved my mental health and helped my husband and I find balance in our relationship again. Every family is different, and they get to decide what is best for them. Sending hugs & prayers your way. YOU ARE A GREAT MOM to all your boys!🤗


I am in the same boat. My baby was born in 2020 and she doesn't get much socialization either. There is a moms day out program that will accept kids who are potty trained or almost potty trained and as soon as she can go, she will. It's done by a local church. Do NOT feel bad for sending your kid to school. A lot of moms do it every day even if they don't "need" to. Everyone needs a break and kids need other kids to interact with. Do what's best for your family!


Thank you for sharing! You are doing a great job. There are so many going through the same thing.


You sweet mama are doing great. Mom of 4 here and I also struggle very often. My last pregnancy in 2020 was very hard because I had a miscarriage in 2019. It was a pregnancy full of anxiety and it was exhausting. But believe me, it gets better.
Thanks for sharing and being authentic.


Hugs to all fellow struggling moms. Our state being wide open is a mixed bag. We can theoretically do whatever we want, but our family is getting Covid from typical errands and our childrens hospitals are posting they’re 98% full (0-6 beds of >300 available on any given day) and our doctors offices are slammed. It doesn’t feel reasonable to do all of the fun, open public indoor things when we have nowhere to go if we need primary, urgent or emergency care for any reason for our precious baby.
Its entirely possible a new geographical location and better weather would solve seasonal affect disorder- I definitely was able to maintain better mental health when I lived in Phoenix than when I lived in the northeast.
We are really treeing to see a group of friends and family regularly to fill our social cups during this yet one more difficult pandemic stretch. I hope anyone reading this can find a few life giving things to do regularly, too.


I'm so sorry that you're experiencing this. I was born and raised in Portland and we moved to Texas in 2018. We've wanted to go back so badly, but the restrictions are so harsh there that we've been waiting it out. I hope it ends soon for your family and for ours who are still there :)


We’re ttc our first baby and I share a lot of the same fears and worries you shared in this video about raising a baby in a pandemic. We’re all navigating this thing and have no idea what’s happening next and then throw parenthood on top of it, it’s scary. You’re not alone. Saying a prayer for you ❤️


Good for you for doing what’s right for your family! My kids love school and while it’s been hard with the pandemic they can still have those social interactions which are so important. You shouldn’t feel guilty. At all.


Sending so much love and comfort. Be kind and gentle with yourself while you’re feeling all the feelings ❤


❤️l sending you a BIG HUG!! This has been a terrible few years & it’s completely normal to feel these feelings..YOU are a WONDERFUL parent & what you’ve shared with us has shown us just that ❤️ you are a loving & caring mom to little Peter, so you are in NO WAY failing him ok .. keep your chin up & have faith 🙏🙏 … we will all get through this together 💕


I want you to know you are great and this will get better. Love your strength and watching your growth💛


Thank you for sharing your experience. You are definitely not alone and we are experiencing similar feelings being cooped up with my husband caring for our 16m old son and me working from home. Being a pandemic mom is something other moms won't relate to, but we can support eachother and once we are on the other side, celebrate it.


Huge hugs...these are strange times and we just need to survive. I feel you on the balancing act of motherhood/work/family. Prayers that things get better. <3<3<3


You are an amazing mom Marisa, even though I don’t know you personally in real life, I have been following you for years and I love your genuine personality and real ness! Praying for you girlie during this time 🙏🏻🤍
