PVZ3... Is Boring.

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This game is such a snoozefest, I just... don't have much to say. Try it if you want to by going to Floral, but that's all from me.


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Having the plants be pre selection doesn’t sound like a good idea for creating puzzles. A huge part of the puzzle solving is asking your self “what plants would work well with these zombies and with this yard layout”. Not letting you choose and picking the plants for you just turns it into “where do they want me to place these plants” which isn’t super fun when there is only like, three logical places for each plant and all of them work fine.



Snow pea and torchwood is a crazy combo 💀


The fact they called it a puzzle game while its still act like a tower defense games literally shows that modern devs have no passion in gaming and doesn't even know what genre they are


Dude they have 13 plants... PVZ 2 HAD 35 PLANTS AT LAUNCH BRUH


*Good thing:* TUGBOAT is in here! 😊
*Bad thing:* Tugboat is in HERE... 😔


“PopCap are listening to us and I’m happy they are”. Be for real dude, be for real. They aren’t listening. They’ve implemented zero feedback from the last beta. And they won’t implement anything this time.


PvZ3 has been battered, bruised, beaten, and broken time and time again, that I start to wonder if the third game is destined to be cursed forever. PvZ1 and 2 have done so much, what else could PvZ3 do to actually be fun?

To answer the question at the end as well, I don’t think that time is all that PvZ3 needs. It needs more resources as well. You can see the lack in budget pretty clearly, and it doesn’t help that most of that budget was probably poured into the previous version of PvZ3 that got pulled from existence.

PvZ3 will always be cursed. The question is whether the curse can be lifted is something we will see in a future that not even Rose can see into.


I can confirm that this game is in fact… boring!


I honestly loved the game back in the first beta. It had way more plants and tacos and plant food. Tacos were such a cool twist adding pernament small buffs to plants. Sad that they scrapped such a good mechanic because it was such a smart idea


You better take that back about my boy tugboat. He’s a gangster a killer a murder and he won’t hold back against you. Any ways great video loved it have a good day.


If boring exist pvz 3 is the meaning of boring


At least there are SOME good things about it

For example: Tugboat


They're not even fucking puzzles, that's the best part of it. Puzzle design is very difficult and requires thoughtful planning and intuitive design (I've tried making a puzzle game before, did not go well). Popcap is just pumping out randomly generated slop at breakneck pace and calling it a "puzzle." It reminds me a lot of Angry Birds 2, which has hundreds of randomly generated levels that all take place in the same couple locations.
Even if they do add seed selection, it won't help the game. There's hardly any plants to pick from, and most of them either suck or are busted. Like, if you could pick plants, why pick sunflower over sun shroom? Or Lightning reed over, well anything really. If anything, adding seed selection without major balancing/reworks will only decrease level variety because the only good strat would be using bonk choy, walnut, and squash.
Also thank you for saying tugboat isn't funny. People keep saying he's the best part of the game but him saying his name isn't funny at all.


When I first saw a little bit of the gameplay, I was immediately like “Peashooter what did they do to you?!” I don’t like how they brutalised my boi.


Honestly the very first beta was the most fun for me despite the Clash Royale-ness of it lol


You know what this game is missing? The freedom to pick your own plants, what made pvz fun in the first place was the endless varieties for strats. I hated the survive with the given plants stages in pvz 2, now they made a whole game about it


one of the games major problems for me is that it will just not let me progress unless iv used power ups. Iv got to a level where iv got no power ups and its impossible to beat without them so the game is forcing me to spend money


The best compliment I can give to this game is that it makes the other pvz titles look masterpieces in comparison with this game, yes even BFN looks better compared to this game..


Nuh uh. I need my choose your seeds or I'm sending Doom Shrooms at EA/Popcap's door


I swear if they just remastered PV1 with better graphics, new content, plants etc, it would sell like crazy
