Look at Your 2nd Toe...This Secret Reveals Your Personality | Dr. Mandell

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A Morton's toe, or Morton Foot Syndrome as it's properly called, is a biological quirk where a person's second toe -- the pointer toe if you will -- is longer than the person's big toe. It's a fairly common hereditary condition, occurring in one out of every five people -- though there are some ethnic groups that have much higher rates.

For more than 5000 years, China and India practice foot reading. People in these countries believe the feet act as a mirror to the rest of the body.
Foot reflexologists show everything about people, from their digestive system function, personalities, and even the state of their relationships. By looking at your feet you can see if you are a wild and adventurous person, desire stability, dynamic, creative, dominant, as well as other personality traits.

Please share this video with your friends and family. Wishing you and your family many Blessings! ❤️😊🙏 Dr M

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In our culture we say if your second toe is longer than the first one, you are dominant over your spouse.❤


I have that second longer toe and this content is spot on. I would like to say I'm only bossy when I need to be. I've learned to soften the blow through the years with God's guidance and more grace.

Thank you Dr. Mandel.


66 years old ( still working as a nurse) my second toe is shorter than my big toe, thank God no feet issues whatsoever 😊😊😊


Thanks for bringing this up. I have always been self conscious about my longer second toe until I learned my niece had it too. She was so happy to learn her toes looked like someone else. That made me appreciate it and accept it.


Thank you as always Dr. Mandell sharing your valuable time with us making these very informative videos!


Thank you so much for all of these wonderful videos on so many different topics regarding health!! God bless you!!


Undoubtedly, thank God to have known you Dr. Mandell 🙏🏻🙏🏻 The positivity that you naturally conveyed to each being every time I’ve seen the number of views on any of your posted videos, drive’s me to become enthusiastic to frequently look for your Health related videos of every God’s day. A soul filling that makes one perkier that serves as glimmer to each spectator and onlookers, ilke medical software to keep and illuminate the viewers to date medical field know how. Relatively, kinda compelling videos that evoke cheeriness to viewers soul which serves as an anchor of temporary contentment as long as life exist. God bless you and your Gorgeous Family ever after Dr. 🙏🏻🙏🏻☺️🪴🌿🌳🌷🪄🎉🎊🎈


My second toe is longer than my first toe and your description was incredibly spot on.


You have the best videos of any doctor on Youtube. Too many of them go overboard with the medical education and jargon and it becomes too much to listen to. Thanks for your content.


I love your explanation doc. Thank you for sharing this and I totally agree with it.


Thank you Doctor Alan! Love your videos! Always so helpful and friendly


Thanks~ Doctor, for the very interesting video! Keep us informed and enlightened! Have a blessed day! 🙏🏼


My second toe is longer and so was my mom’s. I’m flat footed but I don’t have any other physical issues.
In regards to the personality - I’m not really a great leader, but I think the rest applies. It’s always fun to hear these kind of things.


I’m a longer 2nd toe & got teased in school. The attributes of the 2nd toe do apply to me. Models tend to have a longer 2nd toe. Thanks, Doc👌


My question is what about those of us who's big & second toe are the same length 🤔


My second toe is shorter and I’m shy and definitely not dominant- everything you said was accurate for me


I am 70 and my second toes on both feet are quite a bit longer. So was my mom's and she told me long ago that it meant I would be dominate in my relationships. Boy, was she right! And she was definitely dominate in our home even though the times dictated that the man ruled and my father was VERY Sicilian. But my mom was a FORCE!


Dr. Mandell, I really learn from you and enjoy your teachings. 4:13 I have to admit my 2nd toe is longer than my big toe and I fit the description you mentioned to a tee. Have a nice day!


Thank you Dr Mandel for all your postings, they are greatly appreciated!!! Your knowledge and care for your viewers is precious.!!! I used to subscribe to other doctors but you are my go to and I love all the knowledge and simple helps guiding us in our daily habits and care for our bodies and minds...haha even though our minds are part of our bodies. My hubby and I have two children with longer second toes, we thought it was just because they very tall, even tough the other children are tall but their second toe is shorter then their big toe.
Thanks again and God bless you and your family!!!


In India we been told that if your second toe is longer means you are wiser than others... Which i believe is right😛.. cause i am wise❤❤
