How Did Theodore Roosevelt Change America? #shorts

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Both the Roosevelts were good presidents


People talk about the Kennedy's being democratic political "royalty". Nah, thats the Roosevelt's hands down. Kennedy got nothing on them. The Roosevelt name isnt as celebrated which makes me think the Democrats of recent times are far more corporate friendly.
If I recall correctly the Democrats and Republicans both set about dismantling much of FDR's policies as soon as he died and the only reason they voted for his policies is because he was so popular with the people that they had to go along with it or they would be voted out.

Dude put massive taxes on the richest after a set amount of income was reached and it went into the government for infrastructure, public schools, medicine, military and enabled so many to break the mold and move up in life and start their own businesses.

They're businesses could eventually compete with established brands forcing those brands to innovate and offer competitive options or they'd simply fade out of business. It created the America so many look back on fondly while forgetting and outright opposing what made it happen as believe it "wont work" or is "naive" and "bad for business".

Its great for business, just not the ones at the top who need to adapt to hope to stay on top. Its great for smaller business which is really what we should be worried about which is was the Roosevelt's were all about.

We desperately need another Roosevelt today. They were for the people, against major corporate domination of industries, both were brave as hell(FDR stared down an incoming torpedo as it barely missed the ship he was on because he wanted to see it for himself) and both saw us through terrible times and fought hard for the American people.

Biden is doing much better than I think any of us expected given all the things he's juggling domestically and internationally, but he's no Roosevelt much as his campaign team want to pitch him as one.
