React Beginner Course 2024 (Vite, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript)
Показать описание
-How to set up a new React project using Vite
-How to install & use Tailwind CSS in React
-How to think in React
-The difference between declarative and imperative code
-What are components, props, JSX, SPA, unidirectional data flow, callbacks, state, side effects, and more
-How to build your first app with clean & well-organized code
📣 Follow Coding in Flow on social media:
0:00 - Introduction
12:05 - Imperative vs declarative explained
15:53 - Tailwind CSS setup (with Vite) + Tailwind CSS IntelliSense setup
26:17 - Rendering lists with map (+ React project structure)
33:55 - Components & props explained, conditional className
44:11 - Unidirectional data flow explained, callback props
51:28 - useState + updating state in React
58:08 - Add to state in React, form, controlled vs uncontrolled input
1:11:31 - Derive state (sort), component rendering explained, prop drilling, conditional rendering
1:25:53 - Todo summary sibling component, filter, delete all completed todos
1:33:07 - useEffect (side effects), local storage, useState initializer function
1:38:22 - Custom hook + What are hooks in React?
-How to install & use Tailwind CSS in React
-How to think in React
-The difference between declarative and imperative code
-What are components, props, JSX, SPA, unidirectional data flow, callbacks, state, side effects, and more
-How to build your first app with clean & well-organized code
📣 Follow Coding in Flow on social media:
0:00 - Introduction
12:05 - Imperative vs declarative explained
15:53 - Tailwind CSS setup (with Vite) + Tailwind CSS IntelliSense setup
26:17 - Rendering lists with map (+ React project structure)
33:55 - Components & props explained, conditional className
44:11 - Unidirectional data flow explained, callback props
51:28 - useState + updating state in React
58:08 - Add to state in React, form, controlled vs uncontrolled input
1:11:31 - Derive state (sort), component rendering explained, prop drilling, conditional rendering
1:25:53 - Todo summary sibling component, filter, delete all completed todos
1:33:07 - useEffect (side effects), local storage, useState initializer function
1:38:22 - Custom hook + What are hooks in React?