President Obama Urges Washington to Put Politics Aside on Debt Deal

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In a news conference yesterday, President Obama urged congressional leaders to leave partisanship and point-scoring aside and deliver a balanced approach to deficit reduction. "We're going to resolve this, and we're going to resolve this for a reasonable period of time, and we're going to resolve it in a serious way," the President said.
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Campaign Promise... Obama promised repeatedly to Expand the child and dependent care credit. PROMISE BROKEN!!


I've been watching the house and senate on c-span for several months now and I don't see any of your millionaire politicians doing any real work on any issues. Five minute general speeches about nothing important is not helping a thing. And where are they? Most of the time there is nobody even in the house or senate. This is not the "change" that I voted for. Ron Paul gets my vote this time.




@3dtheoutlaw I would much rather have them than Obama!!!!


@Videogameplayer1 You should look up Ron Paul!


"Obama's Jobs Act"
President Obama urges the American people to contact their Senators and Representatives, and tell them to PASS THIS BILL, or "their @#$%^ asses will be voted out of Washington in 2012."
CLICK ObamaSnippetsDotCom


You disappointed me. Bring the troops home like you promised, we are broke! We can't afford to be in Lybia or any other country. There is no money for poor Americans, yet we have money to fund and build other countries with our tax dollars?


@brokenclockstudios In your own words, Bush's increase of the National Debt was a little under 5 Trillion Dollars, in 8 Years. Since the democrats have taken control of congress and added a democrat president, ~ 4 1/2 years, the democrats have increased the National Debt, to-date, by 6 Trillion Dollars.
All the Tax, Borrow & Spend Congress Men/Women need to be introduced to the Unemployment Lines.


@Unklebillybob (CONT)
5) His 5th Year (2005) ND grew to 8.2 Trillion Dollars +600 Billion Dollars
6) 6th Year (2006) ND grew to 8.7 Trillion Dollars +500 Billion Dollars
** 7) 7th Year (2007) ND grew to 9.2 Trillion Dollars +500 Billion Dollars
** 8) 8th Year (2008) ND grew to 10.7 Trillion Dollars +1.5 Trillion Dollars
2nd Term Total 3.1
Bush 8 yr total =5.0 Trillion Dollars-really 3 Trillion
** Indicates Democrats Control of congress. Thus, democrats are responsible for 5.3 Trillion in 4 yrs


I strongly believe that there are many ways to help The President reelection. That is why I would like to highlight that there is a great chance to him to take control the European gas business which is the business of the 21 sanctuary.

If The President is able to manage to unite Turkey and the Central European Hungary later this year than he could control the EU gas business and that will help the USA economy and political influence through out whole Europe and Eurasia.


@StDiablo1 What plan? The "let states handel entitlements" or "get out of Iraq and Afganistan"? I assuming you mean the latter. So what? what we are doing is unsustainable, if we do not handle shit here soon, we will end up like russia is today and still be a target (fyi we will always be). The process has played out many times before, the Soviet Union, United Kingdom, Rome, we are overextending our military and money, at the cost of our internal strength. economics can prove this outcome.


@BlackMambakins Ok, miss- information again, he dose not think that the church should take over social security, or that things need to go to an archaic level of existence. Ron Paul is all about choice, and sees how government healthcare is unconstitutional. He knows social security should work structurally, even when a small part of it is being diverted towards special ed and other social programs, unfortunately, Politicians have used this money to pad other programs and now its unsustainable.


@jimbojim68 Dude, excuse my spelling (dyslexia). Those examples are weak talking points used by democrats. I'm tired of attacking and being attacked, especially in a Liberal vs. Conservative paradigm. If you listen to podcasts i would suggest "Common Sense" with Dan Carlin (non-partisen truth-talk). Regarding the FED, well it caused the housing bubble, it controls our intrest rates, controls our inflation, its also a private central bank. See VBRZYrblZ24


Dear Mr. president, (cont) but they fear you sir they fear the change will make people think. You really dont have anyone that is compared to you or will be a challenge to you in 2011 and they know this as fact hence why they are doing desperate things while they can. You offered us change and I still believe in you... I voted for you. Your not there because of any corporation your there because of people like me. I hope you do the right thing sir. Respectfully yours: Lady Voter from Texas.


Dear Mr. president, (cont) IF they didint fear the power of the middle class the poor and now witht hem attacking the elderly they wouldnt be in such a panic they painted themselves into a corner. Now is time for you sir to punce and let the people decide. Stop listening to dumb polls and the idiots that advice you their just that idiots listen to the real people. Ask elderly people if they want to sacrifice their social security & medicare, I promise you they wont. I understand your in a bubble


@noyouaintgettingit Yea after the initial influx of the law abiding people wanting to try out THC it actually reduces the use of the plant. Lowers the criminal feeling you get by using something illegal. I don’t believe the government will get rid of a law that makes so much money on taxes and donations. The money needs be replacing some how; Medical Marijuana seems to be the ticket. Best to put you effort behind that to get plant life legalized its all about money in the land of milk and honey.


The GOP has a selective memory! Don't forget about in 2002 VP- Dick Cheney said "deficits don't matter" and the Bush administration went on to rack up the largest debt of any then president. When Bush took office it was $5.727 trillion and it grew to over 70% while he was in office. This mess was also due to the wonderful Bush 2003 tax cuts which ironically passed the Senate the same day as his $350 billion tax cuts for the wealthy which included a debt ceiling increase, 50 in the GOP voted yes.


@Anarchist4U : Actually no I have not heard her opinion on this, I prefer facts and research which obviously you are not aware of: Members of the GOP DID vote 7 times between 2002 and 2008 to increase the debt ceiling: 2002 Bill 107-s.2578-31 vote for-31, 2003 Bill 108-H.J Res.5.1 -vote for-50, 2004 Bill 108-S2986-50 voted for increase, 2006 109-H.J.Res.47-51 voted for increase, 2007 Bill110-H.J.Res43-26 voted to increase, 2008 110-H.R.3221-34 voted to increase, 2008 Bill 110-H.R.1424-33 vote.


America is in the dumps. The US military is all powerful whilst the every day person is fighting to have a good standard of living. Although the good thing is that whilst their standard of living is going down, the rest of the worlds standard of living is getting better. To simply put it America needs to do something drastic like not allowing outsourcing of the manufacturing of products and increasing the minimum wage. Also a share market crash would be good so the mega rich beome only rich.


Oh and Mr. President, please stop acting like spending more money is the solution. We NEED to default... We don't have the money... the deeper we go into debt, the more of a burden is placed on the American people... stop acting like you are helping us by spending more. Reduce the size of government, end the wars, and make spending cuts!!! What is so hard about that?? We can't continue at this pace... drastic cuts must take place so our children are not slaves to this debt.
