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The previous video has had issue with footage. due to that we have to delete portion of the video and post again the full version.Jazakallah Khair

The month of Ramadan is a blessed period in the year of a Muslim. It is important to know as believers, the methodology of attaining the maximum benefit from this blessed month. One of the acts of worship legislated upon us by Allah is dua (supplication). We should be making dua on a regular basis, throughout the year but in the month of Ramadan, duas hold a greater value than the rest of the year.

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⭐ Ya Allah, You are the Greatest. We rely on You, we cannot blink our eyes without You Ya Allah.
⭐Ya Allah, we have You as our Rabb (God) Ya Allah, You made us You created us. We are trying our best to follow You Ya Allah, forgive us on this night.
⭐Ya Allah, accept every letter that we have read, accept every fast that we have kept Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, protect us and our children. Ya Allah, protect our wives and husbands. Ya Allah, protect our children, our offspring, our brothers, our sisters Ya Allah, our parents Ya Allah, grant us good health and grant us barakah and blessings in everything You have given us Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, we ask You to bless us Ya Allah. We promise that we will turn towards You, Ya Allah we will never turn away from you Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, let this be a day when You are happy with us, Ya Allah we've raised our hands, we've completed the Quran Ya Allah, we've engaged in acts of worship.
⭐ Ya Allah, You have blessed us with a beautiful month. Ya Allah, we promise Ya Allah, we will leave our bad ways and habits, forgive us Ya Allah. Ya Allah, we will never return to our bad ways and habits Ya Allah, forgive us Ya Allah on this day.
⭐ Ya Allah, we ask You to grant us goodness on this day Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, we ask You to cure us from all the sicknesses that we have Ya Allah, all those who are sick and ill in this community Ya Allah, those we know about, those we don't know about grant them cure through Your miracle Ya Allah. You are the owner of cure Ya Allah and cure us all of the diseases we may have that we may know we may not know Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, we ask You to grant Rahma and Mercy to all those who have gone away, who have passed away Ya Allah, make their graves gardens from the gardens of Paradise Ya Allah. And help us Ya Allah, grant us Shahada on our tongues when You take us away and make it easy for us the day we are buried Ya Allah. The day we will be left in the graveyards Ya Allah with our family members gong back Ya Allah, You keep our deeds with us Ya Allah and let there be benefit for us on that day Ya Allah. You help us Ya Allah, You make it easy the day the angels ask us questions Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, in the grave, in the darkness of the grave Ya Allah You lighten it up Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, we ask You to accept from us every word that we have read Ya Allah and we ask you on this day to ease the suffering of every person suffering on the globe Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, every one of us have different things we'd like to ask You tonight Ya Allah, You know exactly what we want Ya Allah, grant it to us Ya Allah. Ya Allah, You know everyone's need without us even uttering it Ya Allah, grant it to us Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, You know every difficulty that everyone is going through Ya Allah, create ease in everyone's situation in a way that is befitting to them Ya Allah.
⭐ Those in debt Ya Allah, help them pay back their debts Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, those who are suffering lack of sustenance Ya Allah, You provide for them, You are the owner of sustenance Ya Allah, those who have no barakah in their sustenances Ya Allah, You bless them strengthen them so they can obey Your commands and we can obey Your commands too. Strengthen us as well Ya Allah and grant us all barakah and blessings in our sustenance Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, protect the women of this Ummah Ya Allah, help them so they can dress appropriately Ya Allah, strengthen them so they can put scarfs on their heads Ya Allah, they can dress with loose clothes, Ya Allah, for Your sake covering their bodies Ya Allah and have Mercy on them, open their doors Ya Allah strengthen them Ya Allah, they are our sisters Ya Allah, they are Your creatures Ya Allah. You open their doors Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, safe guard the men of this Ummah Ya Allah. Help the men eradicate their bad habits Ya Allah, help them too dress appropriately Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, help all those on drugs to leave that habit Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, we promise You we will not go back to any bad habits we have Ya Allah, knowingly we will not do that Ya Allah, so help us not to do it Ya Allah, strengthen us Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, grant us good company. ⭐Ya Allah, make us from those Ya Allah who fulfill our 5 Salah a day for Your sake.
⭐ Ya Allah, You've given us such a blessed month Ya Allah we don't know if we're going to see another month like this.
⭐ Ya Allah, open our doors Ya Allah, help us be regular and steadfast to get up for Solat Al Fajr Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, we have read so much Solat for You, accept it from us Ya Allah and make it easy for us Ya Allah throughout the year Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, help us to eat Halal in this time when we don't even know sometimes what is Halal and Haram. Ya Allah help us, protect us from putting Haram into our mouths.
⭐ Ya Allah, protect us from interest protect us from gambling Ya Allah, protect us from the night life and the clubs.
⭐ Ya Allah, protect us from any form of Your anger Ya Allah, we don't want Your anger Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, never roast us in the fire of jahannam Ya Allah, Ya Allah, never roast us in the fire of jahannam Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, we will never be able to even bare, even a second in the fire Ya Allah. Ya Allah, protect us.
⭐ Ya Allah, write our name tonight from amongst those who are free from the fire of jahannam Ya Allah. Ya Allah, write our name tonight from amongst those who are free from the fire of jahannam Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, grant us Jannah without reckoning Ya Allah. If You are to take account of our deeds, we are too embarrassed of what we've done Ya Allah. Ya Allah, don't look at our deeds Ya Allah, forgive us without reckoning.
⭐ Ya Allah, tonight You forgive so many people Ya Allah, forgive us.
⭐ Ya Allah, grant us Jannah without hisab, without kitab protect us from jahannam.
⭐ Ya Allah, join our families with us Ya Allah, join all of us, Ummah with us Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, forgive the Ummah of Muhammad (saw). Ya Allah his concern was his Ummah Ya Allah, we are part of that Ummah.
⭐ Ya Allah, unite us Ya Allah, unite the ulema Ya Allah unite the members of this Ummah Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, help us love one another solely because we share the Kalimah La ilaha illAllah Muhammadu Rasulullah.
⭐ Ya Allah, we ask you tonight Ya Allah. Ya Allah, we ask you tonight Ya Allah, to make us from those whom you have accepted Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, the magician's of Musa (as) prostrated once and You forgave them. We prostrate everyday Ya Allah, forgive us. Ya Allah, the magician's prostrated once for You Ya Allah, You forgave them. Ya Allah, we prostrate everyday Ya Allah, forgive us. Ya Allah, accept our prostration Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, we have never, ever, ever, made sujood to anyone but You, Ya Allah forgive us. Ya Allah, we have never worshipped anyone but You Ya Allah, forgive us Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, You are the Most Generous we are pleading with You Ya Allah we know You are Generous Ya Allah. You are the Most Generous and we're asking the Most Generous Ya Allah, we know You will grant us.
⭐ Ya Allah, we've raised our hands, for You Ya Allah, amongst us there are men, there are women, they are the old, they are the young, they are the sickly Ya Allah, they are the healthy. Ya Allah, we know You will answer our dua. Ya Allah, save us from the fire of jahannam Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, grant us the intercession of Muhammad (saw) Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, we ask You to protect the Muslim Ummah Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, we have had a beautiful blessed month Ya Allah, accept it from us. Ya Allah, grant us sincerity in our deeds.
⭐ Ya Allah, strengthen us so we can change our lives to please You Ya Allah. Ya Allah, strengthen us so we can change our lives to please You. Ya Allah, we know that this worldly life is a few years.
⭐ Ya Allah, we know that no matter how healthy we are today, we have to die today or tomorrow. Ya Allah, we know that no matter how wealthy we are, we still have to return to You Ya Allah. So help us become conscious of it and prepare for the day Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, help us be steadfast.
⭐ Ya Allah, help us substitute the music we have with the Quran Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah, help us substitute that which is detrimental for our spirituality with that which is beneficial Ya Allah.
⭐ Ya Allah we ask you, all the goodness that Muhammad (saw) has asked you, and we seek protection from all the evil that Muhammad (saw) has sought protection from You.


Ameen. I’m not Muslim by religion but I am observing Ramadan this year and diving deeper into the Islamic faith. The last few days of Ramadan I have been so engulfed in learning and I thank Allah (I’m used to saying God) for being me to this.

This prayer was beautiful. I am in tears and I believe Allah will truly do a miracle in my life hereafter.



May Allah accept this dua which mufti menk has made for us, May Allah forgive us coz He is the most forgiving, likes to forgive so forgive us 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲
Thanks so much my role model mufti Ismael menk for all what u done for us so keep on with all what u do may Allah reward you abundantly 🙏🙏🙏


Ya Allah plz forgive us and except our duas. Aameen


Ya Allah hu Akbar, Allumdhullila, shuban Allah, Ameen


Ameen ya rabulalameen jazak Allah ☝🏻☝🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️





Alhamdulillah, Allah Akbar, The Greatest!


Ameeen AllahuAkbar..allumma dua for you…


Ya Allah pls grant my request, family & the entire Muslim ummah...I’ve not done any good deeds pls do not judge me according to my deeds but according to your loving kindness. Ameen


This is too much to bear on my heart n mind it brought tears to my eye's thank you Sheikh for praying for all mankind may allah bless you always


اللهم امين يارب العالمين

‎اللهم صلى على سيدنا محمد وعلى ال سيدنا محمد صلوة دايمة مقبولة تودي بها عنا حقه العظيم

ربنا لا تجعلنا فتنة للذين كفرو واغفرلنا ربنا انك انت العزيز الحكيم


Ya Allah accept everything Our scholar has put together for us..Ya Allah bless him and and the rest of the ummah.

This dua had me in tears😥.

Eid Mubarak to you all..May you have a beautiful blessed day 🥳🥳


Ma shaa Allah... What a beautiful 💓 Powerful Du'a. Allah Subhaana Hu Wata Alaa reward Sheikh Mufti Menk immensely, ln shaa Allah and his family and all Muslim Ummah, In shaa Allah, Ameen.


Ameen ya rabbi, ,may Allah accept it, ,and rewards u abundantly over and over


This really touched my heart ❤️ nay Allah bless us all and accept our ibadat


Aameen summa aameen Allah accept each and every second of our duas during every day of our fasting we tried to fulfil all good deeds bless the ummah and our family aameen


Beshak Allah 8s the most forgiving, generous and merciful..He will surely forgive us ..Aameen..Jazak Allah Kher ..Mufti Menk..May Allah grant u all in this duniya and Jannah




Ya Allah forgive us and all your ummat, , , Lailaha ilaulaah Mohammad rasulullah
