The BIG reach to map the circuit diagram of the mind | Walter Schneider | TEDxUniversityofPittsburgh

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Mapping the brain diagnosing pathology: The BIG reach to map the circuit diagram of the mind

Pittsburgh researchers have developed a technology called High Definition Fiber Tracking (HDFT) advancing MRI diffusion imaging to provide a circuit diagram of a person’s brain to diagnose brain pathologies including traumatic brain injury, autism, and Alzheimer’s. Innovation includes developing imaging methods and computational methods to make accurate masp of a patients full brain connectivity in an hour MRI scan. This has restored lives in guiding neurosurgery and lead to better undertaking of brain circuits, pathology and fascinating imaging of the connective fiber tracks of the human brain.

Walter Schneider Ph.D. Professor of Psychology, Bioengineering, Neurosurgery, & Radiology at the University of Pittsburgh & University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. His research includes basic and actionable neuroscience based on MRI diffusion imaging of brain connectivity. He advances the leading edge of brain imaging with Army/DARPA support to detect neural damage in Traumatic Brain Injury. He developed methods to map the brain’s anatomical connectivity, to provide the circuit diagram of the mind. The methods are deploying nationally to benefit war wounded. He has over 200 publications and 50,000 citations of his work. His technology has launched a Pittsburgh spin off company that has produced products adopted by over 10,000 laboratories and 250 imaging centers in 60 countries and adopted by the major MRI vendors and received FDA clearance. His work has been featured in 60 Minutes and Discovery magazine and highlighted by Michelle Obama as the most promising new technology.

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Ive always wanted to image my brain in real time and work with it. The possibilities are uncharted.
