Top 5 Floating Plants for Aquariums

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i bought some snails and i got a bunch of plants that came with them so thank you this helped a lot


I love how aesthetically pleasing your scapes are! Yet at the same time, they all look practical to work in and maintain. Cheers from Texas.


Damn foo, you can't stop looking at your tank... can you?


Fantastic information! Just what I was looking for and I really appreciate your effort here!


I’m in a couple of aquarium groups and when I was a beginner I was always so worried about getting duckweed in my aquarium because everyone hated it so much and said it was impossible to get rid of. Well of course I eventually got some duckweed in my aquarium and it did spread really quickly. But what I realized is my fish loved it and my water parameters were doing great and I had a lot less algae with it so I left it. Sooner or later my entire surface was covered in duckweed so I scooped out half of it and just kept up with scooping out the excess and tossing it. I honestly didn’t mind having it. At one point I wanted to try just having frogbit so I got it all the duckweed out. I was able to use my fish net to scoop out the majority of it, then I just went in with some of my aquarium tweezers and picked out the few remaining and I was able to get it all out no problem. But my aquarium is a 15 gallon Fluval flex so there’s not a ton of surface area so it was pretty easy to get it all out.
Unfortunately the frogbit didn’t last and when it all died I just got some more duckweed from my local fish store for free and just added it back in 😂
Honestly duckweed doesn’t deserve the hate it gets. About the most annoying thing about it is how it sticks to your hands and arm when doing maintenance and how fast it grows but it’s not a big deal to me. Just scoop out 3/4 of the duckweed once it’s filled the surface area and you’re good for a while before it grows all back again.


Bro you are so twitchy you don’t have to keep moving your hands like that your doing a fine video stop being so scared! Your doing a good job bud


Thank you for the information, greetings from Mexico


I’m planning on getting schooling fish and a
Beta so I’ll probably gets some hornwort if it’s good for fish fry


I found a good tip for water wisteria: if you buy it in a tube with gel, chances are it was grown emerged. When you put it in the aquarium almost the whole stem will rot, but save anything green!! I really thought I lost all my water wisteria but I left the green nubs in my tank and now I have a bunch of tall and happy wisteria stems a few months later. I never give up on any plant stem that isn’t rotten. I can’t say my hygrophilia repens is coming back but you never know....


I'm totally bing watching your videos, awesome job man. It's not easy caring for fish and plants.


I got too distracted by how much he moved his hands and rubing them i thought it was on loop


Which floating plant is best for a fluval flex tank where the light on the hood is really close to the water. Its led lights so they dont emit much heat at all and there is a feeding port that remains open for heat and humidity to escape. Im new to the hobby and have red eye tetras, panda corys and a BN pleco. I have real driftwood for the BN but i think i need more cover for the tetras because their eyes are supposed to be very light sensitive. The flow rate is pretty high so i dont think red root floaters would work. I plan in keeping whatever i get in a feeding ring in the other side of the tank from the output water nozzle so they dont get as much watet flow, but i need the high flow pointed upwards a bit for oxygenation because i dont want an airstone. Any advice will help since im new


Hot take, but I love duckweed. Looks cool and serves a purpose.


I love hornswort. All my fish love it. It puts alot of oxygen back into the water. Yes it can over take you tank if you do not tend to it.


Tip to help: stop looking to the aquarium every 2 seconds. Thanks for the information, peace


duckweed is all around here in the philippines, it's very useful with outdoor ponds...


Hey does anybody know a good place to purchase cherry shrimp from online?


Im 26 years old and have been keeping fish almost 18 years ranging from guppies to bettas all the way up to parachromis and even a bullhead catfish that I found in my backyard and nursed back to health before releasing back into its NATURAL HABITAT (I come from an area where bullhead catfish are native species and breed all year round in southern Canada). I somehow found a bullhead catfish washed up barely living in a ditch in my backyard when I was 16 and got a kiddie pool to nurse it back to health with the money I had at the time.

After all that I am just now getting back into smaller fish tanks for planted guppy + centerpiece fish tanks. I am hoping to get some water wysteria and a baby java fern and some valisneria from my brother to start until the stores get more beginner friendly plants back in.


You are the one who introduced me to bristlenose plecos! I want one but my mom said I can only get a betta! But once I show her that I can take good care of a fish she will let me get a new fish ( I think she said the Dalmatian molly) then I can get a bristlenose after that, so probably 1 and a half years lol, but better than no fish at all!


Phyllanthus fluitans
azolla filiculoides
Wolffia - you can dry it and then feed fish 😊
