The Secrets of Upanishads (Overview of 11 principal Upanishads) By Jay Damodar Das | Feb 20, 2023

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Course Description:
Upanisads are the crown jewel of the Vedas. Those scriptures which help the practitioner achieve liberation and bring the person close to the Lord are called Upanisad. Upa means "near" and nisīdati means "bring." Or the word may be divided as upa meaning "near," with ni meaning "certainly" and sad meaning "to loosen, destroy or attain." That knowledge which loosens bondage with certainty, destroys the ignorance concerning the jīva's svarūpa and brings one close to the Lord is called Upanisad. Upanisad is called brahma-vidyā and rahasya-vidyā, secret knowledge, imparted by the guru to the disciple, who realizes it in his heart.
Course Content:
Overview of 11 principal Upanishads: Isa, Kena, Katha, Prasna, Mundaka, Mandukya, Aitareya, Taittiriya, Chandogya, Brihad Aranyaka, and Svetasvatara.
Course Material: Class Notes
Target Audience: Those interested in brahma-vidya
Assessment Plan: Online test having MCQs at the end of the course.
Course Requirement: None
Important Guidelines for the Students: None
What will students gain from this course?
1. Students will be able to appreciate how deep and scientific the Upanishads are.
2. They will be inspired/encouraged to take spiritual life seriously.
3. They will gain knowledge about God, spirit, and matter.
4. Students will become wiser and more intelligent.
5. They will understand the importance of human form of life and the benefits thereof.
Why should one attend this course?
Upanishads mark the beginning of spiritual life.
What problems of the students are we solving through the course?
People in general are absorbed in materialism and live like animals. By attending this course, they will understand the value of human life and their interest in spiritual life will be kindled.
#upnishad #iskcon #bhagavatam