Spine 2d Tutorial: Feathered Serpent Animated | Snake | Dragon | Wings | Tail

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Final Result(05:03)
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Thank you so much for sharing this! I must say - I really like your way of teaching. This is the only channel for professional spine animators, where instead of teaching how the software works (like other tutorials out there) - you focus on how to think when animating using Spine.

My personal teaching highlights from this video:
1. When you show how you're distracting the eye with the tail so the wings change is not noticeable.
2. the addition of red bones is using curves with minumum performance cost
3. using efficient workflows with having a separate animation for the poses as reference.
4. consulting with another artist when you need to solve problems (that's an important method too!)
5. tips - always great fun to learn those!

And of course - I would love to see a video about the favor tool. Because of our production priorities, I haven't gotten to update to v4 yet, and this tool still seems mysterious to me.

Thanks Arman! please keep doing what you're doing :)


Amazing ! Good job ED master, for me as a beginner it’s really useful with both ur tips and rig streaming. I like to follow ur streaming video to learn how to rig on weekends and try to understand ur summaries and tips as this kind of video ! Just want to say thanks !


your works are amazing. The ful videos could be boring for you. But we learn from full videos because we see and review the sections that we need more guidance.


Спасибо, Арман!
Вечером будем посмотреть!:D


Мне кажется чтобы перейти от показа умений к осмысленному обучению вам нужно уделять внимание не только на то что вы делаете в плане расставления костей и прочего, а так же рассказывать почему именно Вам кажется это верным, потому что в конечном итоге это выглядит очень круто, а значит ваши рассуждения смогут подсказать людям верное направление в обдумывании решений для риггинга персонажей.


Really nice!
Would have loved seeing the full rigging process of the open wings and how they connect to the closed ones.


It's a great video Thank you Master~~


Since you asked, I actually would enjoy a series on basic Spine tutorials covering all the features, but showing multiple examples for each feature, maybe with different levels of difficulty/complexity. Video starting from 0, guiding you from the very first click, no skips, no cuts! They are tremendously frustrating when we're still learning, a single step missing is enough to drive students crazy because we can't replicate it, which is something I hate about the oficial Spine tutorials 🤣
Random example:
"IK Tutorial"
The video will cover how to set IK, from the very start, empty file, nothing set. Where do you click, in what order, what do you need for it to work properly; all the info a complete beginner could need.
Then, after showing how to do it with just empty bones, show a sample with pictures. A very basic construction, maybe a very simple leg/arm.
Then, a "intermediate" use for IK, a bit more complex, maybe using more than one IK at the same time to affect the same image.
Then, a "hard" use for IK, maybe mixing it with other tools like paths or whatever works with IKs, or/and with different IK settings!
It would also be very cool to have a "common problems" part at the end, for example explaining in which situations IK will not work (if you can't actually mix IK with paths, for example) and what the person could use instead!


Мне нужна информация про сетку. Сколько точек ставить, где их ставить...


Thank you!!!
Как всегда очень интересно и информативно!
Вот не поверишь, все не решаюсь уделить время на “favor”, понимаю, что классный инструмент, но руки никак не доходят((((
