Wuthering Waves Reveal Livestream

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Wuthering Waves Reveal Livestream airing on 2024/05/19 at 18:30 (PT) will include some first-hand information about the official release—featured events and bonuses that you don't want to miss!

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all the rewards of the stream will be delivered directly in your in game mail section..no codes for broadcast stream


30M Registrations rewards are available for everyone at LOGIN (in your mail).

There are no codes.

Boss fight footage:


Most of the stream was mini games and fun interventions.


We dont mind having one stream for all regions and just having subtitles! Theres no need to go above and beyond to make multiple different streams for each region.
Having different live streams for each region isnt a bad idea but in cases like this, it lacks.
We would prefer a livestream thats creative, passionate, and on topic. We are fine with translations! It is not a big deal! Just make one good livestream, translate it in multiple languages, and post it everywhere!
If you want to give attention to different languages, you can just switch it up. One version stream all in chinese and translated, then the next all in japanese and translated... etc etc Take turns!


14:55 Tnx for the Trauma guys, now I'll remember this image everytime I play Yang yang. Fantastic cool 👍


Here's a quick skips

10:33 Introduction of WUWA
11:40 Promotional Video
14:47 Yangyang but Traumatizing...
17:28 Characters Intro (Encore, Aalto, Jiyan)
29:02 Gameplay Trailer
34:55 Bosses Overview
37:11 Characters Intro (Yangyang)
47:55 until 54:23 ALL EVENTS IN 1.0V!!!
54:50 Characters Intro (Baizhi, Chixia, Taoqi)
1:13:03 Characters Intro (Male & Female Rover, Yinlin)
1:22:30 Boss Fight


Needed to show off more gameplay and really wished to see the exploration!


the graphics are so gorgeous and the music is insanely fire I'm so excited for this game 🦅🦅🦅🦅


Dear Kuro Games, while i appreciate the effort put into making this, i would also like to point out that the format you guys chose was a bit unappealing for the most part and here is why: Being a "premiere" for a product that a lot of people are eager to try out, the mini-games part was totally unnecessary; those spaces could've been filled with more gameplay, dev interviews, how the music was made, sound designer interviews or anything that contributed into making your product possible. The format from the CN version was great, we got everything that was relevant to the game itself. With this in mind, i hope in the future we will see a more well-rounded format for those type of presentations. Cheers!


this livestream was truly something else


I'm definitely looking forward to this game - but please just give us subtitles for the CN live stream next time. I just need the info about the game, not some CC minigames that take up 70% of the livestream time... do things like that afterward. Just show us all the details, what's new and changed. So people can see what they're waiting for/came to, and follow the CC minigames or whatever after that for those who are interested


i'm so glad i watched CN livestream before EN


I would like the next livestream to have less minigames and more content about the game, this game is way more than what they showed and they need to let everyone see it :(


You got a lot to improve when doing a pre recorded stream. Don't worry, this is just the beginning. Sometimes it was funny but not what many people was looking for. Regardless, what you shown about the game did look good but would have been better if we get more dev talks + game news/gameplay etc instead of random people playing scripted mini games...


Yall better be ready for the spinning disco turtle!


14:48 the improvement is amazing, look how realistic the graphic is! Also, Yangyang is very very pretty.


I took a peek on the CN version and let me just say, we got violated. I prefer their format.


Wuwa Marketing Team, a huge piece of advice. IN THE NEXT LIVESTREAM, for the love of god, cut all the MINI-GAME part out because that part EXTREMELY INTERRUPTTED THE FLOW of LIVESTREAM today. It is not the Focal point. People comes to ur livestream to watch the in-game CONTENT the game has to offer not those Casual sections. This livestream could have been way better if U showcase more in-game contents.


If live chat was a medical condition, I would have gotten stage 4 cancer in every part of my body by now.


Thank you so much, wuwa team! Looking forward to playing the game! <3


I’m looking forward to it, and only a few days away.

That said, please, please in the future include comments from the developers like the CN livestreams. We as players want to hear from the actual devs what they’ve been working on, why they did what they did, etc. and show off the game, news, and merch rapid fire not padding.

CC, VA, etc. content for engagement can still be done just please keep it to a minimum or make it an entirely separate video from game news.
